
How can I get PNR number from booking ID?

How can I get PNR number from booking ID?

If you have booked the ticket through IRCTC website, then you can check it under “Booked Ticket History”. It will have details about PNR and transaction ID of all the tickets. Press Ctr+F and check for the transaction ID of the required ticket. You will see PNR number along with the transaction ID.

Can I get PNR no from ticket no?

Where can I locate my PNR number on ticket? PNR number, a 10-digit unique number, is generated on a confirmed ticket. This number is located on the top left corner of the printed ticket. On an e-ticket, it is mentioned at the top in a separate cell.

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How can I download flushed PNR ticket?

Presently there is no means of getting the details of flushed PNR. If you need to submit the journey details as proof, you may contact the respective station where the chart was prepared. The officials at the station will assist you.

How can I get Indigo PNR number?

Check Indigo Airlines PNR Status Online: Simply follow the link below to go the Indigo airlines official PNR enquiry page. o Once reached there; go for the “manage booking” tab which is presently on the top of webpage and click that tab. o There you will asked to enter your booking reference number and email id.

How can I get refund from Irctc for failed transaction?

Write your refund request to [email protected]. Further you can directly post letter to Group General Manager/IT, Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd., Internet Ticketing Centre, IRCA Building, State Entry Road, New Delhi – 110055. Remember to mention your transaction ID also, if you have it.

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What is the use of ticket ID in Irctc?

Whenever you raise a complaint against IRCTC through email ([email protected]) , you will get a reply assigning an ID for your correspondence.It is the assigned Ticket ID and it is used to track the details of your complaint in the future.

How can I get PNR status from mobile number?

Through SMS – Type your PNR number and send it to number 139. Within minutes you will get a message depicting the status as well as all details. It is also a very convenient method to check out the PNR status on mobile and even if you don’t have internet connection, it will work and is the best part of all.