
How can I get virtual Aadhaar ID?

How can I get virtual Aadhaar ID?

VID can also be generated by sending an SMS to the Aadhaar helpline number 1947. Resident will have to type “GVID Last 4 digits of Aadhaar Number” and send it to 1947 through the registered Mobile Number. VID is a temporary, revocable 16-digit random number mapped with the Aadhaar number.

Is aadhar virtual ID permanent?

At this time there is no expiry period defined for VID. VID will be valid till the time a new VID is generated by the Aadhaar number holder.

How do I find my VID number?

What is the process of generation of VID?

  1. Enter Aadhaar Number and security code.
  2. Click on Send OTP.
  3. Enter the OTP received on your registered mobile number.
  4. Select the option Generate VID or Retrieve VID.
  5. On submission, you will get the VID on your registered mobile number.
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What is mean by virtual ID?

What is Virtual ID (VID)? VID is a temporary, revocable 16-digit random number mapped with the Aadhaar number. VID can be used in lieu of Aadhaar number whenever authentication or e-KYC services are performed. Authentication may be performed using VID in a manner similar to using Aadhaar number.

Who can generate virtual ID from the UIDAI website?

the Aadhaar number holder
How can you obtain VID? VID can be generated only by the Aadhaar number holder. They can also replace (generate a new VID) their VID from time to time after UIDAI set minimum validity period (currently set as 1 calender day, that is a new VID be generated after 00:00 hrs on the next day).

Is virtual ID Safe?

The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) on Monday launched the virtual ID (VID) facility for Aadhaar, which provides a more secure way of protecting the 12-digit biometric number by masking it and generating a 16-digit randomly generated VID instead.

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Does aadhar virtual ID changes?

Even for online verification, you give Aadhaar number. Aadhaar is not secret information but has personally sensitive data like bank account number and mobile number. Aadhaar system will know that this virtual ID belongs to this system. The virtual ID can be changed any number of times.

How can I get virtual ID by SMS?

How to generate Virtual ID through SMS

  1. In order to create a Virtual ID, go to your mobile’s message box.
  2. Now, send GVID (SPACE) and the last four digits of your Aadhar number to 1947.
  3. Now send RVID (SPACE) to get your VID.
  4. Enter the last four digits of your Aadhaar number.

How can I get virtual ID of Aadhar card without mobile number?

How to raise request using Non-Registered/Alternate Mobile Number? Click on “Order Aadhaar Card” Service. Enter your 12 digit Aadhaar Number (UID) or 16 digit Virtual Identification Number (VID) or 28 digits Enrollment ID. Click on check box “If you do not have a registered mobile number, please check in the box”.

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What can we do with Virtual Aadhar card?

Virtual ID or VID is a temporary, 16-digit identification number mapped with the Aadhaar number. It can be used instead of the Aadhaar number whenever you need to do authentication or e-KYC service. Once it is generated, authentication can be performed using the VID in a manner similar to using the Aadhaar number.

How many digits are there in virtual ID for Aadhar?

VID is a temporary, revocable 16-digit random number mapped with the Aadhaar number. VID can be used in lieu of Aadhaar number whenever authentication or e-KYC services are performed.