
How can I improve my RCS?

How can I improve my RCS?

3 Steps to Improve Your Accuracy in Reading Comprehension for CAT

  1. Step 1: Do not attempt all questions in a Reading Comprehension passage. We are a very selfish and time starved generation.
  2. Step 2: Analyze the type of questions that you get right / wrong.
  3. Step 3: Select Reading Comprehension passages that suit you.

How can I do well in RC?

7 Easy Tips for CAT [RC] Reading Comprehension

  1. Tip 1: Develop a good reading habit.
  2. Tip 2: Understand Question Types.
  3. Tip 3: Learn how a good teacher or a good student solves RC questions.
  4. Tip 4: Focus on Accuracy.
  5. Tip 5: Develop the right speed.
  6. Tip 6: Practice from the right source.
  7. Tip 7: Write sectional tests.

What is good reading speed for cat?

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Various experts say that you need to have a minimum reading speed of around 350 words per minute (wpm) to be able to make some headway in the CAT exam.

How much speed should a cat read?

How many RC Do cats have?

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RC Questions for CAT 2021 Sectional Composition
Section Name Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC)
Total VARC Questions 34
Number of Reading Comprehension Passages for CAT 5
Type of RC Passages for CAT 3 Long RC Passages; 2 Short RC Passage

Where do cat RCs come from?

Read Speaking Tree from Times of India , Newspaper daily. You can read newspapers like The Hindu, Economic Times, Times of India, Economist, etc. Reading is the key to solve RCs , to ace the RC read as much as you can.

Is 200 words per minute good for cat?

The average word per minute a college student reads is 280. But for CAT, this has to reach a minimum of 450-500 words per minute.