
How can I read WhatsApp messages from another app?

How can I read WhatsApp messages from another app?

3.2 The app gives you full access to someone’s WhatsApp chat It’s easy to access anyone’s WhatsApp chat with Spyine: Spyine allows you to read incoming and outgoing messages. The app includes a media files viewer and a contacts book. You get multiple other phone monitoring features along with the WhatsApp reader.

How do I read app data?

On an emulator or rooted device GUI — In Android Studio, launch Android Device Monitor from the menu: Tools/Android/Android Device Monitor. Navigate to the File Explorer tab, then data/data//. Find the file you are looking for, and you can push and pull a file from there.

How do you share data between two apps?

Android provides two ways for users to share data between apps:

  1. The Android Sharesheet is primarily designed for sending content outside your app and/or directly to another user.
  2. The Android intent resolver is best suited for passing data to the next stage of a well-defined task.
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How do I transfer data from one app to another?

In android using implicit intent, we can send data with other applications using ACTION_SEND action. We have to call Intent. createChooser() to open default chooser of android mobile to send the data. it may same or different in Android mobiles.

How can I transfer data from another app in Android?

There are three ways your app can receive data sent by another app: An Activity with a matching intent-filter tag in the manifest. One or more ChooserTarget objects returned by your ChooserTargetService. Sharing Shortcuts published by your app.

How do you get free data from apps?

Here are five apps you can try, which actually would give you free mobile internet data or airtime in return.

  1. Gigato. Gigato provides free unrestricted Internet data for Android.
  2. Earn Talktime. Earn Talktime gives you unlimited mobile prepaid recharges, DTH top-ups, postpaid bill payments etc.
  3. PayTunes.
  4. Kickbit.
  5. mCent India.