
How can I receive text messages while abroad?

How can I receive text messages while abroad?

So turn off your cell phone data by putting your phone in Airplane Mode and turning on Wi-Fi. You CAN receive messages (non-SMS) over Wi-Fi, for free. You CANNOT send or receive SMS messages (“texts”) via your cell phone carrier when you are in Airplane Mode.

Can I get Indian mobile number in USA?

Airtel allows you to retain your Indian mobile number. Any calls being made to your Airtel India number are automatically forwarded to the new Airtel number you access in the U.S. You can buy a plan that suits youhere. Reliance Passport SIM offers both postpaid or prepaid SIM cards.

How can I get virtual India mobile number?

Here is how you can get Indian virtual phone number:

  1. Step 1) Go to the virtual phone number provider’s website.
  2. Step 2) Sign up with your individual or business details.
  3. Step 3) Then buy any virtual phone number and start customizing the virtual business number settings.
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Can I send international SMS?

You can send an international SMS to a phone by using your carrier data roaming plan. The cost varies from one carrier to another. In the phone Messaging app, type your country’s exit code followed by the cell number you want to text. Then, write your message and press Send.

How can I send text messages from India to the USA?

Leo says he would need to get the number forwarded to an American carrier, or find a service that will forward text messages to an American number. Google Voice may work, if it’s available in India. Anveo is another that Leo uses. He could buy a number from them, use that, and they will forward the text messages to a phone here in the US.

Can I use my Indian number when I am abroad?

You can activate a basic roaming plan for your Indian number to continue receiving OTP while you are abroad. Telecom companies do not typically charge for unanswered incoming calls and SMS (short message service). We recommend checking with your service provider to confirm.

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How do I send a text message overseas?

A text message can be sent from an au mobile phone to a phone number of a local mobile phone overseas. You can use the free call time included in your au rate plan for International SMS. If the phone number starts with a 0, do not enter that 0.

Can a SIM card be activated in India and shipped to USA?

This would require either someone in India purchase it and ship the activated SIM card to you, or maybe the Indian carrier would be willing to ship you an activated SIM card to a US address. Where can I find Indian numbers for OTP verification?