
How can I unlock my Aadhar card biometrics?

How can I unlock my Aadhar card biometrics?

Steps To Unlock Aadhaar Biometric Data Online Step 1:Visit the UIDAI website and click on ‘Aadhaar Lock and Unlock Service’ under ‘My Aadhaar’ and ‘Aadhaar Services’ Step 2: Enter Aadhaar number (12 digit) or Virtual ID number (16 digit) Step 3: Enter Captcha for verification. Step 4: Click on ‘Send OTP’

What happens when biometrics is locked?

Aadhaar card holders can know that fingerprint and iris data in their Aadhaar used for authentication can be locked. What happens when biometric is locked? Locked biometrics ensures the Aadhaar holder will not be able to use their biometrics (fingerprints/iris) for authentication.

How can unlock Aadhaar biometric by SMS?

Send SMS 1947 with Aadhaar Register mobile number as RVID Space last 4 or 8 digit of UID. Select Unlock radio button, Enter Latest VID and security Code and click on send OTP or select TOTP and click on Submit. Your UID will be unlocked successfully.

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Should I lock biometric in aadhar?

Once resident enables Biometric Locking system their biometric remains locked till the Aadhaar Holder chose to: Unlock it (which is temporary )or. Disable the Locking system.

Why aadhar biometric is locked?

Locked Biometrics ensures the Aadhaar holder will not be able to use their Biometrics (fingerprints/iris) for authentication. Fingerprint and iris data in Resident’s Aadhaar used for authentication can be locked. This facility aims to strengthen privacy and confidentiality of Resident’s Biometrics Data.

What happens when Aadhar is locked?

After locking your Aadhaar Number, Authentication cannot be performed using Aadhaar Number. In that case you may use your Virtual ID to perform Authentication. This will prevent the misuse of your Aadhaar Number by anyone else. Unlocking your Aadhaar Number will resume the use of Aadhaar Number for Authentication.

How can I check my biometric status in Aadhar card?

You can visit UIDAI’s website and login to your account using your Aadhaar and OTP to check the status of your Aadhaar biometrics. Alternatively, you can check the status of Aadhaar biometrics by logging in to your account through the mAadhaar app.