
How can you tell what condition a comic book is?

How can you tell what condition a comic book is?

Comic book grading is based on a score out of 10:

  1. 0-1.5 = poor to good minus.
  2. 2.0-3.5 = fair to very good minus.
  3. 4.0-5.5 = very good to fine minus.
  4. 6.0-7.5 = fine to very fine minus.
  5. 8.0 = very fine.
  6. 8.5 = very fine plus.
  7. 9.0 = very fine/near mint.
  8. 9.2 = near mint minus.

What makes a comic book good?

Narrative is the backbone of great literature. Simply put, narrative is the story that is being told. For the narrative to be clear in a comic, the reader must be able to understand what is going on in the story at all times. Consistent narrative helps the reader to feel comfortable with how the story unfolds.

Is light bad for comics?

Creating A Room That is Safe for Comic Books Although significantly less than natural sunlight, both incandescent and fluorescent light bulbs emit UV rays in the light spectrum that is damaging to your comics. Doing this also keeps any of my books from being exposed to the elements for long periods of time as well.

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What are the comic book ratings?

The Marvel Comics Rating System ALL AGES – Appropriate for all ages. T – Appropriate for most readers, but parents are advised that they might want to read before or with younger children. T+ TEENS AND UP – Appropriate for teens 13 and above. PARENTAL ADVISORY – Appropriate for 15 and up.

What is a comic run?

Run: A run is a consecutive string of issues of a particular comic series. It generally refers to a creator’s tenure on that series, i.e. Kelly Sue DeConnick’s run on Captain Marvel, Gail Simone’s run on Birds of Prey, Fiona Staples’ run on Archie, etc.

Why do comic books have different covers?

The most common way, which the majority of publisher do, is used variant covers as incentives to order more copies of an issue. This could be for every 10, 25, 50 or even 200 copies a retailer orders they are eligible for a particular variant cover.

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Why do comic book pages yellow?

Lignin has a chemical setup (specific chromophores and carbonyl groups) which absorbs light in the near ultraviolet (UV) spectrum of light. When this happens, these chromophores decompose into yellow-coloured ketones and quinones, i.e. they turn the paper yellow.