
How did Hellstrom know Hitcox was a spy?

How did Hellström know Hitcox was a spy?

The author explains Hellström knew a lot more about German cinema than expected, so he knew Hicox was lying when he told him the story of him being from Piz Palü and appearing in a Riefenstahl film. The biggest hint at Hellström knowing the Basterds were lying, however, is Hugo Stiglitz.

Did Hellström recognize Stiglitz?

If Stiglitz was such a “celebrity” and his face was all over the newspapers, at least one person should have recognized him at the tavern, but that wasn’t the case. Some believe Hellström did from the very beginning, but he played along to see if they blew their cover.

Did Landa know it was Shoshanna?

Landa, appointed head of security for the premiere, interrogated Shosanna at a restaurant, and many details in that scene have made viewers question if he recognized her or not. However, Landa never saw Shosanna’s face, as she was already far when he realized she was alive and running away.

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How major is Hellstrom?

“I must say I grow weary of these monkeyshines.” Dieter Hellstrom was a Gestapo Major, who was stationed in France during WWII….

Dieter Hellstrom
Title/Rank Sturmbannführer (Major)
Nationality German
Fate Killed by Archie Hicox and Hugo Stiglitz
Portrayed by August Diehl

Who played Major Hellstrom?

August DiehlInglourious Basterds
Major Hellstrom/Played by
August Diehl (born 4 January 1976) is a German actor, primarily known to international audiences for playing Gestapo major Dieter Hellstrom in Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds and Michael “Mike” Krause, Evelyn Salt’s husband, in the movie Salt.

How tall is August Diehl?

5′ 11″
August Diehl/Height

What book is Major Hellstrom reading?

It reads “King Kong”. Using his detective skills, he manages to learn what is written on the card. When Hicox politely tells him that he’s intruding, Hellstrom asks Bridget if he’s intruding, to which she says no, so he concludes that the captain is immune to his charms.