
How did Neo realize he was in the Matrix?

How did Neo realize he was in the Matrix?

Neo knows about the Matrix because of an ever present malignant doubt about life as he knows it. He KNOWS something is wrong, even if he can’t explain it.

How did Morpheus guide Neo?

Morpheus represents the best kind of leader and teacher: He teaches Neo what he knows and guides him to the right path, then steps aside and lets Neo proceed on his own. Morpheus does not seek glory, and his selflessness makes him heroic in his own way.

How does Morpheus define reality?

Morpheus: If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see, then ‘real’ is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. Morpheus: If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see, then ‘real’ is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.

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How did Morpheus free Neo?

Keanu Reeves swallows the red variety, allowing Morpheus’ team on the Nebuchadnezzar to wrench Neo’s physical body from the Machines’ human battery system, unhook him from the Matrix simulation, and bring him safely aboard.

Did Morpheus know the previous one?

It wasn’t until, approximately, a century later when Morpheus, captain of the Nebuchadnezzar believed he had found The One in his latest redpill, Neo. Later, Neo realizes that he is indeed the new One.

Did the agents know Neo was The One?

The agents know of Neo prior to Morpheus contacting him as Cypher has told them to prove himself as a spy. At the point the agents go for Neo in the office, Morpheus is not aware of this so doesn’t know why they have come for Neo.

What is the difference between knowing the path and walking the path?

– Morpheus. If we don’t watch where we’re going, it would be easy to end up off the path, right?

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What did Morpheus really say?

I’ve also seen it in use in PowerPoint presentations. A simple search via Google reveals the sheer number of Morpheus memes there are out there: However, the truth is that Morpheus never actually says the line, “what if I told you” in the film.

How did Neo get his name?

In Greek, “neo-” is a prefix meaning “new,” just as his character is a new version of himself, looking to help forge a new world. And the meaningful name layers don’t stop there! Thomas means “twin” in both Greek and Hebrew, again paralleling how Neo is both his original self and The One.

When was Neo born?

March 11, 1962
Thomas A. Anderson was born in Lower Downtown, Capital City, USA on March 11, 1962 according to his criminal record, or September 13, 1971 according to his passport (both seen in the film).