
How did Obi-Wan manage to beat Anakin?

How did Obi-Wan manage to beat Anakin?

Originally Answered: Why was Obi-Wan Kenobi able to defeat Anakin after being easily defeated by Count Dooku? Dooku got lucky against Obi-Wan, and Anakin got lucky against Dooku. Obi-Wan was on the ropes during the entire battle, and won thanks to his clearer head and use of the terrain.

Was the Anakin vs Obi-Wan fight slowed down?

We just had it so well-rehearsed. They were having to over crank the camera to slow it down a bit because we were so fast. It’s usually the opposite: They undercrank the camera to speed it up a bit. But we were doing it so fast they thought ‘no one’s going to believe it,’ so they slowed it down a little bit.”

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Why didnt Obi-Wan beat Anakin?

For the galaxy, Obi-Wan had to kill Anakin, and for himself, he had to let him live. Obi-Wan chose a middle path of sorts because he cared about Anakin and presumed that he would die anyway. Simple answer: he should have, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Anakin was basically his brother, and he loved him.

Why does Anakin lose to Obi-Wan?

In Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, Anakin probably lost his duel to Obi-Wan on Mustafar because he wasn’t using a key part of his power. He lost because he was over confident and thought he could jump over Obi-wan without Obi-wan being able to reach him.

Why is the lightsaber fighting so bad?

Except in The Rise of Skywalker, lightsaber battles serve more as mindless spectacle than informative action sequences. This is arguably the reason for why The Rise of Skywalker’s fight sequences fail on a character level. Because Kylo refuses to kill Rey, every conflict between them in the movie is devoid of stakes.

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Why are lightsaber duels so bad in the sequels?

Out of universe, it’ because the prequel fights haven’t aged well. They’re too polished, too choreographed. People on the Internet have been mocking them for over a decade over that fact and the creators of the sequel trilogy didn’t want to repeat the “mistakes” of the prequels.

Why did Anakin lose to Kenobi?