
How did Peter Scholze learn math?

How did Peter Scholze learn math?

Scholze started teaching himself college-level mathematics at the age of 14, while attending Heinrich Hertz Gymnasium, a Berlin high school specializing in mathematics and science. At Heinrich Hertz, Scholze said, “you were not being an outsider if you were interested in mathematics.”

What did Peter Scholze do?

Scholze and Bhargav Bhatt have developed a theory of prismatic cohomology, which has been described as progress towards motivic cohomology by unifying singular cohomology, de Rham cohomology, ℓ-adic cohomology, and crystalline cohomology.

What is prismatic cohomology?

Prismatic cohomology is a recently developed cohomology theory for schemes over p-adic rings. It is related to both (p-adic) etale and de Rham/crystalline cohomology, and so also to p-adic Hodge theory.

How do you win the Abel Prize?

Selection criteria and funding. Anyone may submit a nomination for the Abel Prize, although self-nominations are not permitted. The nominee must be alive. If the awardee dies after being declared the winner, the prize will be awarded posthumously.

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Who received the Sastra Ramanujan Prize 2019?

Adam Harper

Year Name Institution
2018 Yifeng Liu Jack Thorne Yale University, USA; Cambridge University, United Kingdom
2019 Adam Harper University of Warwick, England (UK)
2020 Shai Evra Princeton University, USA, and Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
2021 Will Sawin Columbia University, USA

Who discovered algebraic geometry?

The French mathematician Alexandre Grothendieck revolutionized algebraic geometry in the 1950s by generalizing varieties to schemes and extending the Riemann-Roch theorem. Arithmetic geometry combines algebraic geometry and number theory to study integer solutions of polynomial equations.

Who invented symplectic geometry?

The first symplectic manifold was introduced by Lagrange [LAI] in 1808.