
How do frequencies travel in space?

How do frequencies travel in space?

Space is full of radio waves, plasma waves, magnetic waves, gravitational waves and shock waves, all of which can travel in space without a medium. These waves are recorded by instruments that can sense these waves, and the data is transferred to earth-based stations, where the waves are sound coded.

Can sound waves be heard in outer space?

There’s no “medium” in the vacuum of space itself that transmits sound waves. There is a chance that sound waves can move through and compress clouds of gas and dust, but we wouldn’t be able to hear that sound. It would be too low or too high for our ears to perceive.

How does sound travel through empty space?

Sound can’t be carried in the empty vacuum of space because sound waves need a medium to vibrate through such as air or water. However, because the particles are so spread out, the sounds waves they produce are at such a low frequency, humans are incapable of hearing them.

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How does sound travel NASA?

Sound is transmitted by particles (atoms or molecules) in a solid, liquid or gas colliding with each other. It is a wave which is created by vibrating objects and propagated through a medium (solid, liquid or gas) from one location to another. A vibrating source can be sound coming from a drum, speaker of a …

Why can’t sound waves travel through outer space?

Sound does not travel at all in space. The vacuum of outer space has essentially zero air. Because sound is just vibrating air, space has no air to vibrate and therefore no sound. Radio is a form of electromagnetic radiation just like light and can therefore travel through the vacuum of space just fine.

What is the loudest thing in space?

Greg Salvesen. As far as I’m aware, the Perseus galaxy cluster is the current record holder for the loudest sound discovered in the Universe. Generating sound requires two conditions. First, there must be a medium that the sound waves can travel through, like air or some other gas.

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What is the space where sound waves Cannot travel?

Sound cannot travel through a vacuum. A vacuum is an area without any air, like space. So sound cannot travel through space because there is no matter for the vibrations to work in.