
How do I add rel sponsored to affiliate links?

How do I add rel sponsored to affiliate links?

In the “To String,” type “sponsored” in place of “nofollow.” Then, click Add Rule. If there was no rel=nofollow attribute, simply add rel=sponsored like you see above (there will be only one space between

Should affiliate links be rel sponsored?

Google recommends using rel=”sponsored” for affiliate links, however there is no penalty for continuing to use nofollow if, for example, you don’t want to go update all the links on your website.

How do I add a link to a WordPress rel?

Open up the post that you want to edit, or create a new one. Find the text you want to use as the link’s anchor and highlight it. Then, click the ‘Link’ button which should appear in the first row of toolbar buttons. You can then copy and paste the URL you want to link to, or search for it, as in the block editor.

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Should you use nofollow sponsored or UGC links?

Note: The nofollow attribute was previously recommended for these types of links and is still an acceptable way to flag them, though sponsored is preferred. We recommend marking user-generated content (UGC) links, such as comments and forum posts, with the ugc value.

What is rel sponsored?

rel=“sponsored”: Identifies links on a site that were created as part of advertising, sponsorships or similar agreements. rel=“ugc”: Identifies links that appear within user generated content, such as comments and forum posts.

How do I use an external link plugin in WordPress?


  1. Go to Plugins in the Admin menu.
  2. Click on the button Add new.
  3. Search for WP External Links and click Install Now.
  4. Click on the Activate plugin link.

Do affiliate links have to be nofollow?

Consequently, affiliate links should be marked as nofollow. Matt Cutts, a software engineer that helped Google develop their algorithm, said that Google most of the time can identify an affiliate link and will not crawl it.

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What is WordPress link rel?

“rel” is a HTML link attribute that defines the relationship between the current document (the page you are linking from) and the linked document (the page you are linking to). While rel has various usages in a link, one of the important values that it can define is “nofollow”.

When should I use rel nofollow?

Whereas nofollow was previously used as a general catchall for links that you didn’t want to pass PageRank, now it’s supposed to be used when the other two rel attributes (sponsored and UGC) aren’t relevant and you don’t want the link to pass PageRank.

What is link target in WordPress?

When creating a menu with WordPress, you can decide that a menu item links to an external page by adding a Custom Link. You can change the target of this link, so that it opens in a new browser tab. Check the “Link Target” option : this will reveal the “Open link in a new tab” option.

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How do I add an external page to my WordPress website?

8. Embed Content From Other or External Sites

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Create Embed & paste the URL in field.
  3. Click on Embed & copy the embed code.
  4. Paste it in your post or page and Save changes.