
How do I become a CPCB officer?

How do I become a CPCB officer?

CPCB Recruitment 2020 Apply Online

  1. Click the Direct Link above to apply for CPCB Recruitment.
  2. Fill the application form with all the required information.
  3. Submit the application form.
  4. Alternatively, you can visit the CPCB Official Website.
  5. Go to Job Openings.

What are functions of CPCB and SPCB?

The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) is an autonomous agency. It plays an advisory role to the Government and State Pollution Control Boards (SPCB) in matters relating to the implementation and enforcement of the Air, Water and Environmental Acts.

How do I apply for the CPCB exam?

How to apply for GPCB? Candidates can apply for GPCB 2020 from the official link provided in the recruitment page or visit the GPCB official website. The step wise procedure to apply for the GPCB 2020 will be mentioned in PDF released by GPCB.

What is CPCB registration?

CPCB | Central Pollution Control Board.

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How many officials can be nominated to the Central Pollution Control Board by the Central Government?

five officials
Explanation: According to Section-3, the Central Pollution Control Board can have maximum five officials nominated by the Central Government and not more than five persons nominated by the Central Government from amongst the members of State Boards.

Who is the head of CPCB?

Sh. Tanmay Kumar
Updated On: 28 Oct 2021

S No. Name Designation
1 Sh. Tanmay Kumar Chairman
2 Tanushree B. PA to Chairman
3 Dr. Prashant Gargava MS
4 Kaushalya Sharma AO to MS

What is the work of SPCB?

The SPCB is an organization established to implement Environmental laws and rules within the concerned state’s jurisdiction. The State Water Pollution Prevention and Control Board is constituted under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974.

What is the role of SPCB?

The SPCB has its own team of scientists and laboratories to check quality of air, soil and water of different samples collected from industrial areas. ADVERTISEMENTS: The SPCB works with the rules framed by the state governments as well as by central government from time to time.

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