
How do I calculate my subscriptions?

How do I calculate my subscriptions?

Calculate the amount of Subscription to be credited to Income and Expenditure account for the year 2019-20….

Particulars Amount (Rs.)
Subscription received in advance as on 01-04-2019 (including Rs. 15,000 for 2020-21) 35000
Subscription in arrears as on 01-04-2019 40000
Subscription in arrears as on 31-03-2020 50000

What is subscription and how is it calculated?

A subscription is basically the amount of money paid by the members on periodic basis for keeping their membership with the organisation continue. It may be paid monthly, quarterly, half yearly or annually by the members.

What is subscription How is it calculated please explain with the help of an example?

Subscription is a membership fee paid by the member on annual basis. This is the main source of income of such organisations. For example, a club received Rs. 20,000 as subscriptions during the year 2016-17 of which Rs.

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What is subscription in an NPO?

Meaning of Subscription in NPO: – Subscription in NPO means pays some amount to an Organisation by its member on a regular basis. It can be collected by the Organisation on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis. This is the revenue for the Organisation so, it will be credited to the Income and expenditure account.

What is subscription how it is calculated class 12th?

In computing the amount of subscription for the current period, advance subscription received for the current period in the previous period and outstanding subscription for the current period are added to the subscription received during current period, on the other hand, advance subscription received for the next …

What is the subscription answer in one sentence?

Subscription is the periodical payment made by the members to the ‘Not for Profit’ concern for maintaining his membership.

What is membership subscription?

A subscription gives customers access to a product or a service for a period of time, while a membership means being a member of a store and organization or a group.

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What is subscription short answer?

Subscriptions refer to the amount of money paid by the members on periodic basis for keeping their membership with the organisation alive. It is paid monthly, quarterly, half yearly or annually by the members.

What is subscription and example?

The definition of a subscription is an agreement you make in advance to receive something for a specific period of time. When you make an arrangement to have a magazine delivered every month, this is an example of a subscription. noun. 6.

What is food subscription?

Food subscription boxes offer a convenient alternative to shopping at the supermarket by delivering meals, snacks, or other ingredients right to your door. Some offer curated bundles, while others allow you to create your own custom order.

What is subscription how it is calculated Class 12?

Subscriptions for the current period can be calculated by taking into account the subscription amount for the current period in the previous period and adding it to the subscription received in the current accounting period. Accounting for Not for Profit Organisation.