
How do I delete a review on Etsy?

How do I delete a review on Etsy?

Can I delete or edit my review?

  1. Go to Your account, then Purchases and reviews.
  2. Find your order.
  3. Select Edit review.
  4. Change the star rating and text as needed.
  5. When you’re finished, select Post Your Review.

Can you edit Etsy review response?

Once you respond to a review, the buyer will no longer be able to edit their review. We recommend responding to reviews in a positive and professional way that reflects well on you, your shop, and your customer service – be sure to address any specific concerns from the review and any changes you made as a result.

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How long does it take Etsy to respond to a reported review?

It takes 3 days. However since Etsy may have more cases open because of the mask situation that seems to have developed it could be longer. The buyer can escalate it they don’t accept or don’t agree with what you offer.

Does opening a case on Etsy hurt the seller? This article states: “Cases opened against your shop in the past four months can hurt your shop’s visibility in relevant searches.”

Can Etsy buyers change review?

Can you ask a buyer to remove their review from Etsy? Yes – you can contact the purchaser and ask them to remove or amend their review. Try to resolve the issue through the Etsy email in the first instance before you ask them to do so. The buyer is not obliged to remove their review, though.

How do you ask a customer to change a review?

Bring this up when you ask them to adjust their review, like this: Hi [Reviewer Name], I’m so sorry again that we screwed up your order last week. I wanted to let you know that I really appreciate you giving us an opportunity to make things right.

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How do I delete a response to an Etsy review?

Re: Can I delete a ‘response to a review’ then respond again? Unfortunately, you can’t revise a reply to a review.

How do you ask a customer to remove a bad review on Etsy?

How long does Etsy take to resolve an escalated case?

three days
Opening a case signals to the seller that something is wrong and needs to be resolved. Once you’ve opened a case, the seller has three days to resolve your issue. If three days pass and it’s still not fixed, you can escalate the case to have an official Etsy moderator step in.

How long does it take Etsy to resolve a case?

The seller has three days to resolve your case. Most sellers respond within these three days, and sellers can resolve most issues with an order If the seller hasn’t resolved the case in three days, you can escalate the case. Read our case policy for more information.

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How long can a case stay open Etsy?

Once eligible, buyers have 100 days to open a case. Learn more about when a buyer can open a case.

How many cases before Etsy closes your shop?

Even though these cases are often resolved within an hour or so of being opened and normally due to delayed post. Regardless of what the outcome is, it appears that if you have 2 cases opened against your shop within a week. Etsy closes your shop.