
How do I DELETE an observation in SAS?

How do I DELETE an observation in SAS?

To remove observations in SAS, you can use the IF statement in a DATA step. Suppose you want to exclude all observations whose scores are greater than 100.

How do you DELETE data in SAS?

Use the DELETE statement to delete one or more data sets from a SAS library. If you want to delete more than one data set, then list the names after the DELETE keyword with a blank space between the names. You can also use an abbreviated member list if applicable (such as YRDATA1-YRDATA5).

How do I select specific observations in SAS?

There are two ways to select specific observations in a SAS data set when you create a new SAS data set:

  1. Delete the observations that do not meet a condition, keeping only the ones that you want.
  2. Accept only the observations that meet a condition.
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How do you delete a variable in SAS?

To delete variables in SAS, you can use the DROP statement in a DATA step. Suppose you want to delete variables x1 , x2 , and x3 in SAS data set old1 and save it to a new SAS data set new1 .

What does variable uninitialized mean in SAS?

Variable X
The “NOTE: Variable X is uninitialized” message is a result of trying to run a DATA Step which utilizes a variable that is not present in the input dataset or has not been created at the point within the DATA Step where SAS tries to utilize the variable.

How do you delete a SAS dataset in SAS?

Delete specific SAS data sets in a library Rather, use the DELETE Statement and specify the exact data set to delete it. proc datasets library=sasdsn nolist; delete data2; quit; proc datasets library=sasdsn nolist; delete data2; quit; Examining the Log after running this code reveals that the data2 data set is deleted.

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How do you delete everything in SAS?

To delete all files in a SAS library at one time, use the KILL option in the PROC DATASETS statement. The KILL option deletes all members of the library immediately after the statement is submitted.

How do you delete a specific row in SAS?

To delete some or all of the rows in a table, use the DELETE statement. When the statement is successfully executed, the SAS log shows a message that indicates the number of rows that have been deleted.