
How do I enable smart ID in UFT?

How do I enable smart ID in UFT?

Enabling Smart Identification in UFT:

  1. In UFT Menu, go to Tools –> Object Identification.
  2. Choose Environment and Test Object Class.
  3. Select ‘Enable Smart Identification’ Check box.
  4. Click Configure to choose Base and Optional Filter Properties.
  5. Add Properties.
  6. Go to Object Repository to check if Smart Identification is Enabled.

What is smart identification in QTP and explain it with example?

Sometimes, QTP is unable to find any object that matches the recognized object description or it may find more than one object that fits the description, then QTP ignores the recognized description and uses the Smart Identification mechanism to recognize the object.

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How do you know if smart identification has been used in a test?

The idea is to narrow down only to one object matching the some or all of the saved description properties. If smart identification is invoked during a test run, in the test results tree a warning message is generated indicating smart identification was invoked and a smart identification step is inserted.

What is visual relation identifier in QTP?

Visual Relation Identifier is a set of definitions that enable you to identify the object in the application according to the relative location of its neighboring objects.

What is sync in UFT?

Synchronization point is a feature to specify the delay time between two steps of the test script. For example, clicking on a link may load the page is 1 second, sometimes 5 seconds or even it may take 10 seconds to load it completely.

What is UFT object identification?

An object property and its value are called Object Description. The Object Description is used to uniquely identify the corresponding Object. To access, In QTP in Tools Menu, select Object Identification. In Object Recognition Dialog Box you can see a drop down of all the environments installed and loaded.

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What is DataTable in UFT?

An UFT DataTable is similar like a Microsoft Excel DataTable that benefits developer and testers to generate data driven test cases that can be used to run an Action multiple times. Local DataTable–For each action there is a private DataTable known as local DataTable that can also be opened across actions.

What is virtual object in UFT?

Your application may contain objects that behave like standard objects but are not recognized by UFT One. You can define these objects as virtual objects and map them to standard classes, such as a button or a check box. UFT One emulates the user’s action on the virtual object during the run session.

What is the purpose of visual relation identifier?

Visual Relation Identifiers allow you to identify fields in your application based on other objects that are always near them.

What is visual relation identifier?

A visual relation identifier (VRI) is a set of definitions that enable you to identify the object in the application according its neighbouring objects in the application. You can select neighbouring objects that will maintain the same. relative location to your object, even if the user interface design changes.

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What is debugging in UFT?

Debugging is attempting to figure out the cause of a problem in your test script, and then taking action to fix the problem. Using the Debug command in UFT allows you to run your test line by line.