
How do I find a specific Lego piece?

How do I find a specific Lego piece?

The design number along with the color is a great way to identify a piece. Both element and design numbers can be entered on Bricks & Pieces to see if the part is available to buy: They can be used to find parts on Pick A Brick too. Just enter the number into the search bar.

Is there an app to identify LEGO pieces?

The Brickit app is the best use of the iPhone’s AR technology I’ve seen yet. It will scan a huge pile of Lego and identify the individual bricks. Once it’s worked out what bricks you have, it suggests new items you can build with those bricks, turning that random box of Lego bricks into new creations.

Are LEGO replacement parts free?

For the vast majority of bricks, the replacement will be completely free, and LEGO won’t even ask for proof of purchase. Typically, replacement pieces take 7-10 business days (depending on location) to show up at your door—LEGO also covers the shipping cost.

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How many Lego bricks are there in the world 2020?

There are over 400 billion LEGO bricks in the world. Stacked together, they are 2,386,065 miles tall, which is ten times higher than the moon. One LEGO can take up to 4,240 Newtons of force, or over 953 pounds. (No wonder it hurts so much to step on a LEGO brick.)

What was the first numbered Lego?

We’re not here to debate what the first ever LEGO set was, so we’ll give you the LEGO set that most LEGO fans agree with, and that’s set number 234, or, as it’s better known: the LEGO System Garage with Automatic Door. They re-released this set with the modern brick design in 1957 and it became a resounding success!

How can you tell if a Lego brick is vintage?

From 1949–1962, all LEGO was made from Cellulose Acetate. You can tell old CA bricks because they have a shinier finish, are often warped, and have a different “sound” to them when they hit each other. The red CA bricks (and possibly others) also are a bit translucent when you shine a bright light behind them.

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Is Brickit real?

Brickit is a new AR app that will scan your old pile of Lego and tell you what you can build. Many of us have a collection of Lego gathering dust in a cupboard somewhere, begging to be transformed into something amazing. Using Brickit, you can now fulfill its wish.

How can I get free missing LEGO pieces?

By heading over to the customer service section of LEGO’s website and clicking on “BRICKS & PIECES,” you’ll be immediately shown the available options when it comes to replacing lost or damaged bricks.

Are Missing LEGO bricks free?

A: LEGO Pieces that are broken or missing from a set are mostly FREE!