
How do I fix unreachable statement error in Java?

How do I fix unreachable statement error in Java?

Have a return statement before them: When a return statement gets executed, then that function execution gets stopped right there. Therefore any statement after that wont get executed. This results in unreachable code error.

What type of error is unreachable statement in Java?

An unreachable Statement is an error raised as part of compilation when the Java compiler detects code that is never executed as part of the execution of the program. Such code is obsolete, unnecessary and therefore it should be avoided by the developer.

Why is my return statement unreachable Java?

An unreachable code return statement is typically a sign of a logical error within the program. Although there are several reasons why you end up with such a statement, in all cases, unreachable code is redundant, clutters your program, and should be avoided at all costs.

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What is the meaning of unreachable code in Java?

Every statement in any java program must be reachable i.e every statement must be executable at least once in any one of the possible flows. If any code can not be executable in any of the possible flows, then it is called unreachable code. Unreachable code in java is a compile time error.

How do you solve an unreachable statement?

If you want your print to go through, you should move it above the return statement. If you keep any statements after the return statement those statements are unreachable statements by the controller. By using return statement we are telling control should go back to its caller explicitly .

Why break is unreachable?

5 Answers. If you put a return , then the function returns before the break is executed and therefore the break will never be reached. Instead you could use a variable that you set to a desired value and after the switch return that. Or just get rid of the break statements.

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How do I get rid of unreachable code?


  1. Keyboard. Press Ctrl+. to trigger the Quick Actions and Refactorings menu and select Remove unreachable code from the Preview window popup.
  2. Mouse. Right-click the code, select the Quick Actions and Refactorings menu and select Remove unreachable code from the Preview window popup.

In which type of testing unreachable code would best be found?

Code review is a software quality assurance activity in which one or several humans check a program mainly by viewing and reading parts of its source code, and they do so after implementation or as an interruption of implementation.

How do you find an unreachable code?

While some simple cases of unreachable code can be detected by static analysis (typically if a condition in an if statement can be determined to be always true or false), most cases of unreachable code can only be detected by performing coverage analysis in testing, with the caveat that code reported as not being …

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What causes unreachable code?

Unreachable Code Causes: Redundant code that developer forgot to delete. The code that might be programmatically correct but won’t be executed at any point of time due to the input data that is passed to the function.