
How do I get a Somali passport?

How do I get a Somali passport?

Somali Passport

  1. Completed passport application form.
  2. Original and a photocopy of certified Birth Certificate from Home Country.
  3. Fingerprints must be submitted with the application.
  4. 2 recent colored, passport size, photographs of the applicant with white background (write your name on the back of each photo)

How much does a Somali passport cost?

According to sources, the application cost for a Somali passport is US$83 (ibid.; Lawyer 24 July 2015). The lawyer further stated that the passport must be applied for at the DIC in person and the application process takes over thirty days (ibid.).

How strong is Somali passport?

Altogether, Somalia passport holders can enter a total of 33 destinations—either without a visa, through a visa on arrival, or via an eTA. As a result, the Somalia passport ranks 108 in the world.

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How long does it take to get Somali passport?

Please note, all passports are processed in the Mogadishu office and take approximately three – five months. Important: The process and steps for a passport application at the Embassy does not guarantee the applicant the issuance of a passport from the Federal Republic of Somalia.

Who can get a Somali passport?

citizens of Somalia
[1] Somali passport is a passport issued to citizens of Somalia for international travel. Green Passports were formerly used, which have since been replaced with biometric passports to ensure authenticity. The passports are regulated by the federal government of Somalia.

Does Somalia allow dual citizenship?

Does not allow for dual citizenship. It provides that any person who voluntarily accepts the citizenship of another country will lose their Somali citizenship.

Can I travel Somali passport to us?

The citizens of Somalia do not have the possibility to travel to the United States without a visa. If you are planning a trip there for business or pleasure, you have to apply for a US B1/B2 Visa.

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How can I get Somaliland visa?

What you need to apply for Somaliland Visa:

  1. Completed application form supplied by the embassy.
  2. 2 Passport Photos.
  3. Original Passport to get your visa stamped.
  4. Photocopy of your passport page.
  5. 100 USD per visa. Cash only, no other currency accepted.

Does Canada accept Somali passport?

Somalia presents a problem for us especially for the process of temporary resident visas because the Somali passport has been designated as a document that is not acceptable for travel to Canada. This means that we do not accept the validity of the Somali passport.

Does USA accept Somali passport?

Yes, there is a process for both NIV and IV applicants to receive visas, even though the U.S. does not recognize Somali travel documents. Residents and citizens of Somalia wishing to travel to the U.S. on a Somali-issued travel document should see the Reciprocity Tables for more information on document availability.

Can you go to Dubai with Somali passport?

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The UAE government recognizes passports of all nationalities, including Somali passports, provided that they are “genuine” (Canada 3 Apr.

Who can get Somali citizenship?

However, citizenship in Somalia is nominally regulated by the country’s 1962 citizenship law, which provides that citizenship can be provided to anyone whose father is Somali or who is ethnically Somali and who renounces claim to any other nationality.