
How do I get my RNI license?

How do I get my RNI license?


  1. Log onto RNI official website
  2. Read carefully the guidelines for title verification under “RNI Guidelines”.
  3. Click on the link Online Title Application on the home page of the website.
  4. Read carefully the instructions for filling online application and proceed to apply.

Which documents are required for RNI registration?

List Of Documents Required For The Final Registration

  • A copy of the title verification letter issued by RNI.
  • Declaration (Form-1) filed by the Publisher and duly authenticated by DM/DC/SDM/JCP/CMM.
  • A written agreement between owner of periodical.
  • A copy of the first issue i.e. volume 1, issue 1.

How do I register as a news agent?

Documents Required for News Agency Registration in India

  1. Receipt of the application processing fee.
  2. Duly filled Form-1.
  3. Affidavit in Form 1A & 1C for up-linking.
  4. Affidavit in Form 1A & 1B for down-linking.
  5. Affidavit that your company shall abide by the MIB terms and conditions.
  6. Shareholding pattern of the applicant company.
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How do I start a newspaper business?

The primary step to commence a newspaper business is to get the title (name of the proposed newspaper) verified from Registrar of Newspaper for India. The name of the paper. The name of the owner. Language in which it would be circulated.

What does RNI stand for?


Acronym Definition
RNI Reference Nutrient Intake
RNI Recommended Nutrient Intake (aka Recommended Nutritional Intake)
RNI Rassemblement National des Indépendants (French: National Rally of Independents, Morocco)
RNI Radio Northsea International

What is RNI number?

After 1998, RNI is registering newspapers with a registration number having State / Language Code followed by year of registration and a five digit registration number like ‘UPHIN/2002/07205’. Publishers having such registration number should enter the full registration number.

How do I find my RNI number?

What is the meaning of RNI?

The office of the Registrar of Newspapers for India (RNI) is an attached office of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and a statutory office under Section 19(A) of the Press & Registration of Books Act, 1867.

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What is RNI in journalism?