
How do I make sure Shepard survives me3?

How do I make sure Shepard survives me3?

To make sure Shepard lives in Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition, you need to choose the Red Destruction ending with at least 7800 TMS. In the original Mass Effect 3, you can achieve this ending with just 3100 EMS. TMS and EMS stand for Total Military Strength & Effective Military Strength respectively.

Is it possible to save Shepard?

Mass Effect 3 ending – Control (Blue) This will cause Shepard to sacrifice themselves to merge with the Reapers, taking command of their forces and leading them away. There is no way to save Shepard in this scenario, and the only difference with increased TMS is that Earth is spared from taking any significant damage.

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How do you save Miranda in me3?

To save Miranda, you MUST read the dossier on Kai Leng and meet her via a holochannel from the Specter terminal after the attack on the citadel. During the mission, she may also die if you do not persuade her father to back down. If that fails, you have to shoot him.

Is Shepard in Mass Effect Andromeda?

Shepard has made cameo appearances in other Electronic Arts games and is referenced in Mass Effect: Andromeda.

How do you save Miranda’s sister?

Simply visit her quarters and speak with her after the mission and she’ll ask Shepard to help keep her sister safe by moving her off Illium. Like all allies, if you do not complete the loyalty mission, Miranda may die on the suicide mission.

Can you break up with Miranda and keep her alive?

During your third meeting on the Citadel, after Priority: Perseus Veil, you MUST allow Miranda access to Alliance resources. If you do, Miranda will die. The only way to avoid this is to lock in a different Romance before breaking up with her; this safely removes the break-up choice from her conversations.

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What rank is Shepard?

His actual rank being Lieutenant Commander. I didn’t take this at face value, so I looked into it. I was really surprised to see that he’s referred to as “Lieutenant Commander” on both the Mass Effect Wiki and the normal Wikipedia (check under “Appearances”), as well as on older posts and forums.

Can you keep Miranda alive in Mass Effect 3?

Players need to have completed her Loyalty mission for her to live; however, if they later sided with Jack, lost Miranda’s Loyalty, and did not manage to gain it back later, she can still survive. Miranda will send three messages during Mass Effect 3, asking Shepard to meet her on the Citadel.

How do I get Shepard breathing ending?

To get the Perfect Ending, Shepard must choose the Destroy Ending, activating the Crucible. Earth and the Normandy Crew will all survive the blast. In the epilogue cutscenes, Shepard’s love interest, if they are a squadmate, will refuse to put the Commander’s name on the Normandy’s Memorial Wall.

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Is Miranda a sentinel?

Miranda has the tech and biotic skills of a Sentinel as well as a passive ability that grants a very useful health and damage buff to Shepard’s party, however she lacks “crowd control” powers that can disable or knock down enemies (at least until this mission is completed).