
How do I move to Belgrade Serbia?

How do I move to Belgrade Serbia?

People looking to move to Belgrade and stay longer than 90 days can apply for a temporary residence visa, and should obtain a residence or a business permit within three days of arriving. This will allow them to work, study or visit relatives. In the case of working or studying, proof of this will be required first.

What do I need to move to Serbia?

U.S. citizens do not need visas to stay in Serbia for up to 90 days within a 180-day period. If you wish to stay in Serbia longer than 90 days during any 180-day period, you must apply for a temporary residence permit at the local police station with authority over the place you are staying in Serbia.

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How can an American move to Serbia?

Is Serbia a safe country to live?

OVERALL RISK : LOW. Serbia is generally very safe. It is ranked 31st of 162 on the list of the safest and most dangerous countries. Its people are very kind and happy to help, and tourists especially shouldn’t encounter any bigger problems in Serbia.

Can we settle in Serbia?

Permanent residency can be obtained in 5 year After holding residency for at least 5 years, permanent residency can be obtained. Two arrivals are all it take Two visits in Serbia required; first to pick up “White Card” and to file application, second to pick up residency permit in 30 to 35 working days.

How do you become a citizen of Serbia?

If you are a foreigner who has been married for at least three years to a national of the Republic of Serbia and who has been granted permanent residence in the Republic of Serbia, you may be admitted to citizenship of the Republic of Serbia if you submit a signed statement that you consider the Republic of Serbia to …

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What are the requirements to move to Belgrade?

People looking to move to Belgrade and stay longer than 90 days can apply for a temporary residence visa, and should obtain a residence or a business permit within three days of arriving. This will allow them to work, study or visit relatives.

Who are the expats moving to Serbia?

In general, only two types of expats move to Serbia from an employment standpoint. On the one hand, there are those who have work lined up in the country, and are moving to the country for professional, opposed to personal reasons.

Can I move to Serbia as a freelancer?

Most freelancers tend to take the ‘short stay and a trip to Bosnia every three months’ option. A permanent visa is only available to those who have lived in the country a long time or have been married to a Serb for three years. In general, only two types of expats move to Serbia from an employment standpoint.

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Is it easy to find a job in Serbia?

If you think you’ll be able to rock up in Serbia and find a job easy peasy, you’re going to be in for a rude awakening. Unemployment in the country is currently around 13\%, with less than 50\% finding themselves in gainful employment.