
How do I prepare for SAA-C02 exam?

How do I prepare for SAA-C02 exam?

AWS Certified Solutions Architect SAA-C02 – How to best prepare in 5 Steps

  1. Understand the exam blueprint.
  2. Learn about the topics included in the SAA-C02 version of the exam.
  3. Use the many FREE resources available to gain and deepen your knowledge.
  4. Enroll in our hands-on video course to learn AWS in depth.

How can I prepare for AWS SAA exam?

Preparing for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Certification Exam

  1. Book the exam, but give yourself enough time.
  2. Find a study buddy.
  3. Learn the theory and do the labs.
  4. Don’t expect to see the same questions you studied in the actual exam.
  5. Don’t hit submit until you’re sure.
  6. Skip around if you need to.
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How do you pass SAA co2?

It takes 140 minutes to answer 65 questions. 72\% is the passing score. Most of the questions are single-select answers although there are a few with multi-select answers as well. It’s explicitly stated in the question how many answers should you select.

How hard is AWS SAA?

The AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional is one of the most difficult AWS certifications. To clear this certification, you would need in-depth knowledge of cloud computing and many essential AWS services. Prior to pursuing this certification, I already had several years’ of AWS experience under my belt.

How long does it take to get AWS exam results?

Your detailed exam results will be available within five business days of completing your exam on your AWS Certification Account under Previous Exams. Beta exam results are typically available 90 days (13 weeks) or less from the close of the beta exam.

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What AWS knowledge do I need to take the saa-c02 exam?

In the “ AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate (SAA-C02) Exam Guide “, the following AWS knowledge is recommended: One year of hands-on experience designing available, cost-effective, fault-tolerant, and scalable distributed systems on AWS.

What is the difference between the saa-c01 and ssa-c02 Exam Blueprints?

If you’ve seen the old SAA-C01 exam blueprint you may notice that one domain has been removed: “Define Operationally Excellent Architectures”. This is the key difference between the SAA-C01 and SAA-C02 blueprints as can be seen in the image below. This domain makes up 30\% of the exam and includes the following 4 objectives:

What should I look for when buying an EC2 instance?

Make sure you’re clear on the different EC2 pricing models including Reserved Instances (RI) and the different RI options such as scheduled RIs. Make sure you know the maximum execution time for AWS Lambda (it’s currently 900 seconds or 15 minutes). Understand what AWS Global Accelerator is and its use cases.