
How do I prove I am an Indian citizen?

How do I prove I am an Indian citizen?

This is likely to include voter cards, passports, Aadhaar, licenses, insurance papers, birth certificates, school leaving certificates, documents relating to land or home or other similar documents issued by government officials.

Which of the following person is eligible for the citizenship of India by descent?

Children born overseas are eligible to become Indian citizens by descent if at least one parent is a citizen. The birth of eligible persons must be registered at an Indian diplomatic mission within a certain timeframe for citizenship to be granted.

What is nationality certificate in India?

Nationality certificate is an important document used to prove where a person was born and where his family resided at a point in time. Nationality certificate can be obtained from the concerned State Governments in India.

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Is Passport enough to prove citizenship?

A passport is evidence of citizenship and also serves as a travel document if you need to travel. If you were previously issued a Certificate of Citizenship or Naturalization and need to obtain a replacement, you should file a Form N-565, Application for Replacement Naturalization/Citizenship Document.

What kind of citizenship is in India?

Citizenship in India can be of different types: citizenship by birth, by descent, by naturalization or by registration. India also grants certain rights to overseas citizens to allow persons to continue to avail a certain type of Indian citizenship while being a citizen of foreign country.

Can I take my US born child to India?

You can take your US-born child to India with a valid Indian passport. The Indian immigration will legally stamp the entry stamp. The child can stay in India as long as they want as they have an Indian passport without needing to register with the Indian police station.

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Can a US citizen apply for an Indian passport after birth?

The kid is a US citizen by birth even you explicitly apply for his Indian passport. A passport is just a travel document and not proof of citizenship. The process of getting Indian citizenship is easier if you do not apply for a US passport after your kid’s birth in the US.

When do you become a citizen of India if born outside India?

From 3 December 2004 onwards, persons born outside of India shall not be considered citizens of India unless their birth is registered at an Indian diplomatic mission within one year of the date of birth. In certain circumstances it is possible to register after one year with the permission of the Central Government.

Can a H1B child born in the US get Indian citizenship?

A child born in US is automatically eligible for US citizenship. Most Indian H1B workers are happy to see their newly born kid become citizen while they wait in long green card queues. But, there are some people who think otherwise and instead want their kid to have Indian citizenship. Note that by default: