
How do I publish a letter to the New York Times?

How do I publish a letter to the New York Times?

To send a letter, e-mail [email protected]. To reach the Times editorial board, e-mail [email protected]. To reach Op-Docs, e-mail [email protected]. To contact The Times about a factual error in an Opinion article or editorial, e-mail [email protected].

How do I find a letter to the editor?

Answer Mar 16, 2019 528

  1. You can find letters to the editor from many newspapers in the LexisNexis Academic database.
  2. Another option is to search for the article title and (“letter to the editor” OR editorial) in Google Scholar.
  3. If you know Journal that you want to search you can go to ejournals.
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Do newspapers have to publish letters to the editor?

Yes, newspapers do have a First Amendment right to refuse letters to the editor and ads. Since they are privately owned entities whose editors have editorial control, they are free to promote whatever political, social or economic view they wish.

How do you get your letter published?

Here’s how to stand out from the crowd and boost your chances of getting your letter published.

  1. Carefully read the article you’re responding to.
  2. Be civil and to the point.
  3. Don’t copy and paste writing from elsewhere into your letter.
  4. Send your letter to just one newspaper.
  5. Use your real name.

How do I email The New Yorker?

Please e-mail [email protected] or call our staff at 800-444-7570 (or 515-243-3273, if outside the United States).

How do you pitch nonfiction to The New Yorker?

We do not accept submissions via mail or e-mail; instead, please upload your work via Submittable. Other submissions: We regret that we cannot consider unsolicited Talk of the Town stories or other nonfiction. Advertising: For advertising inquiries, contact [email protected], and view our media kit.

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How do you get a copy of The New York Times?

Back Copies of The New York Times from the last 90 days can be ordered directly from the newspaper by calling 1-800-543-5380. Click here for pricing. Other leading information publishers offer The New York Times abstracts and full text in a variety of formats, including online databases, CD-ROM and microfilm.

How do I get an article from The New York Times?

Visit to obtain a copyright license for the ongoing use of articles, photos or videos from The New York Times.