
How do I remove duplicates from adjacent list?

How do I remove duplicates from adjacent list?

Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String in Python

  1. Define an array st, and initialize i := 0.
  2. while i < length of string − if st has some element, and last element of st = st[i], then increase i by 1, and delete last element from st.
  3. finally join all elements in st as a string and return.

How do I get rid of consecutive duplicates in CPP?

remove consecutive duplicates

  1. #include using namespace std;
  2. void stringCompression(char input[]) {
  3. int i = 0; int j = 1;
  4. int k = 0; while(i
  5. input[k]=input[i]; while(input[i]==input[j]){
  6. i++; j++;
  7. } i++;
  8. j++; k++;

How do you remove adjacent duplicate characters from a string in Java?

  1. using namespace std; // Function to remove adjacent duplicates characters from a string. void removeDuplicates(string &s)
  2. { char prev; for (auto it = s. begin(); it != s.
  3. if (prev == *it) { s. erase(it);
  4. } else { prev = *it; }
  5. } } int main()
  6. { string s = “AAABBCDDD”; removeDuplicates(s);
  7. cout << s << endl; return 0; }

What does group do in Haskell?

Haskell : group. Description: splits its list argument into a list of lists of equal, adjacent elements.

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How do you remove duplicates in consecutive strings?

Recursive Solution:

  1. If the string is empty, return.
  2. Else compare the adjacent characters of the string. If they are same then shift the characters one by one to the left. Call recursion on string S.
  3. If they not same then call recursion from S+1 string.

How do you remove adjacent duplicates from a string in C++?

How do you remove consecutive duplicates from a string?

How do you remove the nth element from a list in Haskell?

“remove nth element from list haskell” Code Answer

  1. deleteN :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
  2. deleteN _ [] = []
  3. deleteN i (a:as)
  4. | i == 0 = as.
  5. | otherwise = a : deleteN (i-1) as.