
How do I set up NFS on Windows 10?

How do I set up NFS on Windows 10?

Create and Configure the Shared Folder Right-click on the new folder and select Properties. On the ‘Properties’ window, select the ‘NFS Sharing’ tab. Select the ‘Manage NFS Sharing…’ button. In the NFS Advanced Sharing widget, check the ‘Share this folder’ checkbox, then select Permissions.

Can you set up an NFS server on a Windows server?

Install Network File System on the server with Server Manager. From the Add Roles and Features Wizard, under Server Roles, select File and Storage Services if it has not already been installed. Under File and iSCSI Services, select File Server and Server for NFS. Select Add Features to include selected NFS features.

How do I open NFS on Windows 10?

Open Start > Control Panel > Programs. Select Turn Windows features on or off. Select Services for NFS. Click OK.

How do I mount NFS on Windows?

Make sure that the NFS Client is installed. Open a Powershell command prompt….Mounting the NFS Share

  1. Replace with the name of the server the NFS share is on (eg.
  2. Replace share-name with the name of the NFS share (eg. OIT-Test)
  3. Replace X: with the desired drive letter.
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How install NFS server?

Install the NFS Client on the Client Systems

  1. Step 1: Install the NFS-Common Package. As is the norm, begin by updating the system packages and repositories before anything else.
  2. Step 2: Create an NFS Mount Point on Client.
  3. Step 3: Mount NFS Share on Client System.
  4. Step 4: Testing the NFS Share on Client System.

How do I setup a free NFS Server on Windows 10?

Steps to set up a free NFS server on Windows 10

  1. Install the NFS Client. Click on the Cortana search box -> type in Control Panel -> choose the first option from the top.
  2. Enable Write permissions for the Anonymous User (default)
  3. Mounting a free NFS share server on Windows 10.

Can Windows access NFS?

The NFS client must be enabled on the client Windows system. The Windows 7 operating system can provide an NFS client, but the NFS client service is disabled by default, and must be enabled for access to NFS exports from the Storwize V7000 Unified system.

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How do I restart NFS client on Windows 10?


  1. install “Service for Network File System”
  2. open Service console via services.msc.
  3. find and locate the “Client for NFS” service.
  4. click the “Restart” button below the menu.
  5. after some while, the system prompt up an warning dialog box with the following detailed information.

How mount NFS drive Windows 10?


  1. Open Start > Control Panel > Programs.
  2. Select Turn Windows features on or off.
  3. Select Services for NFS.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Mount the cluster and map it to a drive using the Map Network Drive tool or from the command line. mount -o nolock usa-node01:/mapr z: For more information, see step 2.