
How do you calculate CO2 radiative forcing?

How do you calculate CO2 radiative forcing?

TOTAL BACK RADIATION OF ALL GHG It shows the radiation balance for the earth and that the back radiation of all of the greenhouse gases is 324 W m-2. This is the value used to calculate the RF of CO2 at 378 ppmv as (8.67/324)/100 = 2.7\% back radiation of the total of all of the greenhouse gases.

What is the current radiative forcing?

The current level of radiative forcing, according to the IPCC AR4, is 1.6 watts per square meter (with a range of uncertainty from 0.6 to 2.4).

What is radiative forcing equation?

The result is that the radiative forcing of methane computed by the formula in Figure 2 is augmented by a factor of 1.65 = (1+ftsOZ+fsH2O), where ftsOZ=0.5 and fsH2O=0.15 (IPCC, 2013, supplemental material Chapter 8, p. 8SM-17).

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What is non-CO2 radiative forcing?

Non-CO2. The non-CO2 multiplier is an effort to simplify the accounting of aviation climate forcing from effects other than CO2 accumulation. Page 3. Adapted from IPCC, AR4 (2007) ➢ Aviation represents 3\% (range 2 – 8\%) of anthropogenic radiative forcing in 2005.

What is the radiative forcing of methane?

The major result is that radiative forcing due to methane is around 20-25\% higher than that found using the previous simpler methods. The main reason for this is the inclusion of the absorption of solar radiation by methane, a mechanism that had not been included in earlier calculations.

What is radiative forcing component?

Radiative forcing is a measure of the change in energy balance as a result of a change in a forcing agent (e.g., greenhouse gaseous, aerosol, cloud, and surface albedo) to affect the global energy balance and contribute to climate change.

What is radiative forcing IPCC?

IPCC usage “Radiative forcing is a measure of the influence a factor has in altering the balance of incoming and outgoing energy in the Earth-atmosphere system and is an index of the importance of the factor as a potential climate change mechanism.

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Is CO2 logarithmic?

Radiative forcing caused by carbon dioxide varies in an approximately logarithmic fashion with the concentration of that gas in the atmosphere.

What is indirect radiative forcing?

The radiative forcing of aerosols through their effect on liquid- water clouds consists of two parts: the 1st indirect effect (increase in droplet number associated with increases in aerosols) and the 2nd indirect effect (decrease in precipitation efficiency associated with increases in aerosols).

What is radiative forcing air travel?

Radiative forcing is associated with emissions at higher altitudes and results in a higher global warming potential. Your air travel CO2 emissions are multiplied by the radiative forcing factor to account for the higher global warming potential from emissions released at higher altitudes.

What is radiative forcing for kids?

From Academic Kids The generalised concept of radiative forcing in climate science is any change in the radiation (heat) entering the climate system or changes in radiatively active gases.