
How do you check if a number is even in shell script?

How do you check if a number is even in shell script?

Shell Script to Find A Number is Even or Odd

  1. ‘clear’ command to clear the screen.
  2. Read a number which will be given by user.
  3. Use `expr $n \% 2`. If it equal to 0 then it is even otherwise it is odd.
  4. Use if-else statements to make this program more easier.
  5. Must include ‘fi’ after written ‘if-else’ statements.

How do you do multiplication in shell scripting?

Multiplication of two numbers using expr in shell script In shell, * represents all files in the current directory. So, in order to use * as a multiplication operator, we should escape it like \*. If we directly use * in expr, we will get error message.

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Which symbol is used for multiplication in shell script?

You should use \ on the * symbol for multiplication.

How do you check if number is odd or even bash?

We have asked a user to enter a number and stored the user response in a number variable. To build a condition in if statement, we have used $(()) and [] . $(()) is used to check whether a number is divisible by 2 or not. If it is divisible then we will display Number is even otherwise we will display Number is odd.

Does shell script do math?

Shell script variables are by default treated as strings, not numbers, which adds some complexity to doing math in shell script….Arithmetic Operators.

+ – Addition, subtration
++ — Increment, decrement
* / \% Multiplication, division, remainder
** Exponentiation

What is the correct way to execute the shell script from current directory?

There are four ways to execute a shell script….Each way has it’s own meaning as explained in this article.

  1. Execute Shell Script Using File Name.
  2. Execute Shell SCript by Specifying the Interpreter.
  3. Execute Shell Script Using . ./ (dot space dot slash)
  4. Execute Shell Script Using Source Command.
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How do you do multiplication and division in shell script?

  1. expr command. In shell script all variables hold string value even if they are numbers.
  2. Addition. We use the + symbol to perform addition.
  3. Subtraction. To perform subtraction we use the – symbol.
  4. Multiplication. To perform multiplication we use the * symbol.
  5. Division. To perform division we use the / symbol.
  6. Modulus.