
How do you counter Mirror Force in Yugioh?

How do you counter Mirror Force in Yugioh?

“If a card like “Mirror Force” is activated in response to an attack, then “Negate Attack” can still be activated in chain. However, note that “Negate Attack” will resolve first, so cards like “Enchanted Javelin” or “Magical Arm Shield” will resolve without effect because the monster is no longer attacking.

How do you counter Mirror Force Dragon?


  1. Non-targeting removal such as “Raigeki” and “Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier” can remove this card without triggering its effect.
  2. “Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon” can trigger this card’s effect by battling it, and then use its first effect to negate this card’s, destroy it, and gain its ATK for the turn.

Is Mirror Force a counter trap card?

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Despite also being a member of the series (the presence of フォース on its Japanese name), it is a Counter Trap Card, that must be activated in a very specific situation, that destroys all face-up Spell/Trap Cards the opponent controls.

Is drowning Mirror Force better than Mirror Force?

3 DROWNING MIRROR FORCE When an opponent’s monster declares a direct attack, shuffle all your opponent’s attack position monsters into the deck. It’s even better than Storming Mirror Force, as it simply shuffles everything into the deck, allowing them zero resources to work with on any level.

Can you negate Mirror Force?

Negate Attack “negate[s] the attack” while Mirror Force doesn’t. If, your opponent’s monster remains on the field due to some other card effect (such as Power of the Guardian), it is free to continue with the attack whether or not other monsters have been destroyed as as result of Mirror Force.

Is Mirror Force a good card?

Mirror Force was one of the most dangerous original cards, and it still remains a potent threat. When activated as an enemy strikes, it simply destroys all opposing attack position monsters, with no penalties or restrictions on what monsters you need to trigger it.

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Is Mirror force a good card?

Is Mirror Force Good?

Does Mirror Force launcher ruling?

Q&A Rulings A: When “Mirror Force Launcher” is destroyed by your opponent’s card effect and sent to the Graveyard, you cannot activate its effect unless you have at least 2 available Spell & Trap Zones in which to Set that “Mirror Force Launcher” and a “Mirror Force” from your hand, Deck, or GY.