
How do you dispose of Hindu god pictures?

How do you dispose of Hindu god pictures?

You can use the frames later or dispose it separately. Don’t throw it into a river with glass frame as they can break and hurt other devotees taking bath downstream. After removing all the pictures from their frames, bury the pictures in a hole and plant a tree on the top.

What should we do with old god idols?

best way to dispose a broken idol would be to put it in a flowing stream, but in cities where u dont have flowing streams as well as to avoid water pollution, i recommend dipping the idol in a bucket of water. once its completely disintegrated, dispose the muddy water in an open field.

How do you dispose of a calendar with God pictures?

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If this is not possible, you can burn the pictures in a clean fire, leave them in an appropriate water body (river, lake, pond, sea) or bury them in the ground – but not together with ordinary garbage.

What can I do with unwanted Hindu religious items?

Hinduism: Sacred Hindu texts are disposed of reverentially, usually by immersion in clean water, burial or burning, according to the Hari Bhakti Vilasa, a Hindu book of rituals and conduct. If still usable, the items can be sent to the next of kin or cremated with a deceased owner.

Can we keep Subramanya photos at home?

The idol of God should never be placed anywhere else in the house except the temple. Also, it should be placed in such a way that its back part is not visible. The idol’s front should only be visible. In Vastu Shastra, today learn from Acharya Indu Prakash about the idols of God in the temple.

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How do you dispose of old photographs?

Printed photos can’t be recycled with regular paper waste due to the materials in them. In most locations (without specialised facilities), the only method to dispose of modern film and printed photographs is through landfill. Therefore, it makes sense to try and get as much out of your prints as you can – reuse them!

How do you dispose of old pictures and negatives?

Old photographs and negatives are safe to throw in the trash, but there are many creative reuse ideas online. Historical or family photos or film negatives can be offered to historical societies or family members.

Can we keep Shiva photo at home?

A picture of Shiva must be placed at home. Apart from this, you can also put such a picture of Shivji in which he is sitting with his whole family. At the same time, it should be kept in mind that do not put such a picture of Shiva in the house, in which he is in a state of anger or is wearing his form of rage.