
How do you know if a sentence is a simple sentence?

How do you know if a sentence is a simple sentence?

A simple sentence is a sentence that consists of just one independent clause. A simple sentence has no dependent clauses. (An independent clause (unlike a dependent clause) can stand alone as a sentence.)

How do you make a simple sentence into a complex sentence?

Rule: 2. “Being/ Verb+ing” in a simple sentence, to convert into a complex sentence by adding “as/when/since” at the first half of the sentence. Simple Sentence: After winning a beauty contest she cried. Complex Sentence: As she won the beauty contest, she cried.

How do you read a simple sentence?

A simple sentence is one independent clause with no dependent clause.

  1. Simple sentences have only an independent clause.
  2. Simple sentence can have simple or compound subjects and simple or compound predicates.
  3. Simple sentences can be long or short.
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How do you change a simple sentence?

We can convert a compound sentence into a simple sentence by reducing the number of clauses into one. Here we reduced the clause ‘He got up’ into the participial phrase ‘getting up’. More examples are given below. Here we reduced the clause ‘he gave them some land also’ into the prepositional phrase ‘besides a house’.

What amused you change into simple sentence?

When we change into passive voice sentence will become “By what were you amused?” And in both sentences meaning is same only structure of word changes. As the given sentence is in interrogative form so the changed voice should also be in interrogative from.

How do you change a simple sentence into two sentences?

We can combine two simple sentences into one by using a present or past participle….More examples are given below.

  1. She works hard. She wants to pass the test.
  2. She works hard to pass the test.
  3. I put on my best clothes. I wanted to impress her.
  4. I put on my best clothes to impress her.
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How do you transform a sentence?

  1. Transformation of sentences means changing (or converting) the words or form of a sentence without changing its meaning (or sense).
  2. If an auxiliary is present in the sentence, use the same.
  3. If an auxiliary is not present in the sentence, use do / does/ did.
  4. eg.

How do you change a sentence into a question?

In order to convert a statement into a question you need to put the verb at the beginning of a sentence and add a question mark at the end. Sometimes the verb may have to be changed and an additional word added.