
How do you make a 4\% PFA solution?

How do you make a 4\% PFA solution?

For a 4\% paraformaldehyde solution, add 4 g of EM grade paraformaldehyde to 50 mL of H2O. Add 1 mL of 1 M NaOH and stir gently on a heating block at ~60°C until the paraformaldehyde is dissolved. Add 10 mL of 10X PBS and allow the mixture to cool to room temperature.

How do you make 4 paraformaldehyde from powder?


  1. Take 800 mL of 1X PBS.
  2. Add 40 g of Paraformaldehyde powder to 1X PBS.
  3. Stir the mixture at 60˚C in ventilation hood (DO NOT Boil).
  4. PFA powder does not dissolve instantly, you need to raise the pH of the mixture by adding 5N NaOH drop by drop until a clear solution is formed.
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How do you dilute a PFA?

Dilute 1 part 2\% PFA to 3 parts cells in PBS (eg 60 µl + 180 µl to yield 0.5\% final concentration).

Is 4\% PFA the same as 4\% formaldehyde?

Paraformaldehyde is a polymer of formaldehyde. Paraformaldehyde itself is not a fixing agent, and needs to be broken down into its basic building block formaldehyde. This can be done by heating or basic conditions until it becomes solubilized. Once that occurs, essentially they are exactly the same.

How do you make 4 PFA from 16?

Dilute 1ml 16\% paraformaldehyde (PFA) solution with 3ml 1X PBS to a working concentration of 4\%.

HOW LONG CAN 4 PFA be stored?

Unopened bottles can be stored at room temperature for at least 5 years. After opening, the solution can be stored in the original bottle for at least a month at 4°C, protected from light.

How long can you keep 4\% PFA?


Product Name 4\% Paraformaldehyde (PFA) Solution in PBS
Storage Store at -20˚C for one year.
Cite This Product 4\% Paraformaldehyde (PFA) Solution in PBS (Boster Biological Technology, Pleasanton CA, USA, Catalog # AR1068)
Equivalent N/A
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How long is PFA good for?

After a hearing in which you both have an opportunity to tell your side of the story through your testimony, evidence, and witnesses, a judge can grant you a final protection from abuse order (PFA). A final PFA lasts up to three years and can be extended under certain circumstances.

Whats is PFA?

A PFA stands for Protection From Abuse. It is a civil procedure available to someone who is a victim of domestic violence from an intimate partner, household member, or family member. Abuse is defined as physical injury or the threat of physical injury.

Is 4 PFA the same as 10 formalin?

Thus, a protocol calling for 10\% formalin is roughly equivalent to 4\% formaldehyde. Beware though, that some solutions have methanol in them to stop polymerization but this could have a negative effect on your sample. Paraformaldehyde (PFA) is actually polymerized formaldehyde.

Can you freeze 4\% PFA?

All Answers (12) No, you can use frozen stock.

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Is 4 paraformaldehyde same as 10 formalin?