
How do you make a cloud in Python?

How do you make a cloud in Python?

A Word Cloud in Python can be created in the following steps:

  1. Import Necessary Libraries.
  2. Selecting the Dataset.
  3. Selecting the Text and Amount of Text for Word Cloud.
  4. Check for NULL values.
  5. Adding Text to a Variable.
  6. Creating the Word Cloud.
  7. Plotting the Word Cloud.
  8. The Complete Code.

How do you draw a hexagon in a turtle python?

Approach –

  1. Define an instance for turtle.
  2. For a hexagon execute a loop 6 times.
  3. In every iteration move turtle 90 units forward and move it left 300 degrees.
  4. This will make up Hexagon .

How do I create a word cloud?

You can make a word cloud in 5 easy steps:

  1. You can make a word cloud in 5 easy steps:
  2. Join Infogram to make your own tag cloud design.
  3. Select a word cloud chart type.
  4. Upload or copy and paste your data.
  5. Customize colors, fonts, and text orientation.
  6. Download your word cloud or embed it on your website.
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How do you draw a rainbow turtle in Python?

Turtle is an inbuilt module in Python. It provides: Drawing using a screen (cardboard)….Draw Rainbow Using Turtle Graphics

  1. Import Turtle.
  2. Set screen.
  3. Make Turtle Object.
  4. Define colors used for drawing.
  5. Loop to draw semi-circles oriented by 180-degree position.

How do you make a star in turtle graphics?


  1. Define an instance for turtle.
  2. For a drawing, a Star executes a loop 5 times.
  3. In every iteration move the turtle 100 units forward and move it right 144 degrees.
  4. This will make up an angle 36 degrees inside a star.
  5. 5 iterations will make up a Star perfectly.

How do you make a crescent in Python?

It can be done easily with two steps: 1. Draw a full moon 2. Draw a filled circle with background color overlapping the full moon. You can move the position of the 2nd circle to adjust the size of crescent.

How do you draw different shapes in Python?

Draw Shape inside Shape in Python Using Turtle

  1. forward(length): moves the pen in the forward direction by x unit.
  2. backward(length): moves the pen in the backward direction by x unit.
  3. right(angle): rotate the pen in the clockwise direction by an angle x.