
How do you open sterile packaging?

How do you open sterile packaging?

To open a sterile pad or kit:

  1. Wash your hands with soap and running water for at least 1 minute.
  2. Use the special flap to pull back the paper wrapper of your pad or kit.
  3. Pinch the other sections on the outside, and pull them back gently.
  4. Throw the wrapper away.

What is the order of opening sterile kits packages?

You are about to open a sterile pack. Place the following steps in the proper sequence for opening the sterile pack. -You would open the flap furthest from your body first, followed by the side flaps, and finally, the flap closest to your body.

How do you open a sterile package quizlet?

  1. Place sterile kit on clean dry flat work surface above waist.
  2. open outside cover and remove package from dust cover.
  3. grasp outer surface of tip ofoutermost flap.
  4. Open outermost flap away from body, arm away from sterile field.
  5. Grasp outside surface of edge of first side flap.
  6. open side flap pulling to side.
  7. repeat step 6.
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When opening a sterile package which side should be opened first?

Grab the outer surface’s outermost tip (corner of folded drape) and open the flap away from you. The one-inch border on the sterile field is considered non-sterile. Make sure your arm is not over the sterile field. The inside of the sterile packaging is your sterile drape.

When should sterile items be opened?

Sterile supplies should be opened and set-up as close to the time of surgery as possible and for one surgery only.

When opening sterile supplies what should be done prior to opening each item?

1. Prior to entering the sterile field, the CST must complete the surgical scrub, enter the OR, dry hands and arms, unless brushless/waterless scrub was performed, and don the sterile gown and gloves.

When opening a sterile kit A nurse must first open the?

When handling sterile kits and trays: Sterile kits and trays generally have an outer protective wrapper and four inner flaps that must be opened aseptically. Open sterile kits away from your body first, touching only the very edge of the opening flap.

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How do you open a Foley catheter?

Instructions for removing the catheter

  1. Empty the bag of urine if needed.
  2. Wash your hands with soap and warm water.
  3. Gather your supplies.
  4. Put the syringe into the balloon port on the catheter.
  5. Wait as the water from the balloon empties into the syringe.
  6. Once the balloon is emptied, gently pull out the catheter.