
How do you remember the word pertinent?

How do you remember the word pertinent?

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pertinent PER(perk)+TINE(tiny)+NT(not)…. TINY PERKS are not SUITABLE.

Is impertinent opposite of pertinent?

At least in the second case, impertinent is an antonym of pertinent. The original meaning of the word is the second one; the meaning then slowly changed to the first one.

What does the word impertinent?

Definition of impertinent 1a : given to or characterized by insolent rudeness an impertinent answer. b : not restrained within due or proper bounds especially of propriety or good taste impertinent curiosity. 2 : not pertinent : irrelevant.

What is the meaning of pertinent in a sentence?

Something that is pertinent is relevant to a particular subject. [formal] She had asked some pertinent questions. name, address, and other pertinent information.

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How do you use pertinent in a simple sentence?

Pertinent sentence example

  1. So give me some pertinent facts.
  2. After he returned my phone, he wrote down all our names and pertinent information.
  3. The Deans took turns relating the story, careful to include all the pertinent details.
  4. She has an uncanny way of sticking to pertinent details.

What is an example of pertinent?

The definition of pertinent is something that has a logical connection to the current subject. An example of pertinent is someone mentioning Martin Luther King Jr. during a civil rights discussion. Important with regard to (a subject or matter); relevant.

Does pertinent mean important?

The definition of pertinent is something that has a logical connection to the current subject. Important with regard to (a subject or matter); relevant.

Does pertinent mean rude?

1. Impertinent, impudent, insolent refer to bold, rude, and arrogant behavior.

What is an example of impertinent?

An example of impertinent behavior is interrupting when someone else is talking. An example of impertinent is the mention of how much a person earns when a group is discussing the next steps of a project. Scolded the impertinent child for talking rudely.

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What is a pertinent information definition?

adjective. pertaining or relating directly and significantly to the matter at hand; relevant: pertinent details.

How do you use pertinence?

Pertinence sentence example He turned mere personal defence and retaliation into an occasion for a lofty enforcement of constitutional principles, and this, too, with a relevancy and pertinence of consummate skilfulness.

What does in pertinent part mean?

adj relating to the matter at hand; relevant.