
How do you respond to a beautiful text?

How do you respond to a beautiful text?

If you receive a sweet compliment text, you can respond with:

  1. “Thanks – you made my day.”
  2. “Well thanks – if you could see me, I’m full on blushing!”
  3. “I so appreciate you saying that – that was so sweet of you!”
  4. “Thanks so much – I really like your (insert a personality trait).

What is the reply of Hey beautiful?

Originally Answered: How do you reply to a message saying hi pretty?? Reply it in the same way you would reply a message saying “Hi”. The intention of this message can only be to initiate a conversation. But the whats special about this is that the person wants to start the conversation with a compliment.

What does he really mean when he calls you beautiful?

A guy calling you beautiful could mean that he is attracted to you especially if he only says it to you and he shows other signs of attraction around you. He might also say it to make you feel better, as a power-play, because he wants something from you or because he says it naturally.

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What do you say when a guy says Your Beautiful?

Say “thank you. ” Accept the compliment,but don’t go on to brag about how beautiful you are.

  • Show you care. If the compliment means a lot to you,follow up by saying something like “I really appreciate it” or “that was really encouraging to hear.”
  • Ask him a casual question.
  • Make eye contact.
  • Keep a positive tone of voice.
  • Be flirtatious.
  • What does it mean when a guy calls you pretty?

    An expression of admiration.

  • It can also be used as a term of affection.
  • Sometimes guys use it in place of “pretty”.
  • It is often used as a form of flattery.
  • It’s sometimes used by men who want to get into your pants.
  • It could even be a sexual implication.
  • It might be used sarcastically.
  • You are his type.
  • That you are sweet.
  • You are special in some way.
  • When a guy calls you cute, what does it mean?

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    f a guy calls you cute, it means he thinks you’re cute. We’re simple like that. Yes, that usually means he’s interested in you, especially if he just says it out of the blue. And guys rarely only have “strictly platonic” feelings for their female friends anyway.