
How do you track OOH performance?

How do you track OOH performance?

Digital Trails – By creating digital trails, you can track the performance of your OOH campaign. Promo codes, links, social media accounts, and other online information featured on your ad’s message can be tracked to see how frequently people are visiting these since your OOH advertisement has promoted them.

How is outdoor media exposure measured?

Ad-specific coupon codes, discount vouchers, URLS, QR codes, etc., are a great way to measure the effectiveness of outdoor advertising. If they are limited to the outdoor ad itself, then any engagement can be measured with a large degree of certainty that the results reflect the effectiveness of the ad.

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What is considered out of home advertising?

What is out-of-home advertising? This can include billboards, indoor and outdoor signs, ads on street furniture like bus shelters or benches, in transit areas like airports or train stations, and place-based ad media like you might see at a stadium or in the cinema.

How is billboard advertising effectiveness measured?

Even though they may only look at billboards for a few seconds, they do look. The unit of measure for billboards is Daily Effective Circulation (DEC). This number represents the number of vehicles that pass by the billboard as well as the number of pedestrians.

How do you measure effectiveness of print advertising?

Ways to Digitally Measure the Effectiveness of Print Advertising

  1. Offer a Unique Point of Contact. Many times advertisements have some kind of contact information, whether it’s a phone number or email address.
  2. Use Coupon Codes.
  3. Ask Your Customers.
  4. Vanity URLs and UTM Tracking Codes.
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What is considered out of home?

Out of home advertising (OOH) is a form of advertising that can be found outside of a consumer’s home. Traditionally this includes everything from billboards to bus shelters, benches, and everything in-between.

How much is out of home advertising?

Research studies have repeatedly shown that OOH significantly lowers the cost of advertising. To reach 1,000 people, online can cost up to $17.50 per thousand impressions, magazines can cost up to $21.00 per thousand, and spot broadcast or cable can cost $22.00 – $25.00 per thousand.

What is the ROI on a billboard?

According to a recent report, every dollar spent on OOH advertising returns an average of $5.97 in product sales. [Source] That’s an ROI of 497\%.

How do you evaluate a billboard?

Measuring billboard effectiveness always begins with evaluating location of potential billboard placement. This is usually done by considering factors such as: Number of people or vehicles that pass a billboard per day. Number of people or vehicles that could see your billboard per day.