
How do you use access tokens issued from AWS Cognito with the AWS API gateway?

How do you use access tokens issued from AWS Cognito with the AWS API gateway?

Invoke AWS Cognito /oauth2/token endpoint with grant_type as client_credentials. Refer If the request is valid, AWS Cognito will return a JWT (JSON Web Token) formatted access_token. Pass this token in Authorization header for all API calls.

How do I use API key API AWS Gateway?

Require API key on a method

  1. Choose a REST API.
  2. In the API Gateway main navigation pane, choose Resources.
  3. Under Resources, create a new method or choose an existing one.
  4. Choose Method Request.
  5. Under the Settings section, choose true for API Key Required.
  6. Select the checkmark icon to save the settings.
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How do I add authorization to API gateway?

(1) Configure Google’s OpenID Connect Service Through Google ‘ Select ‘Credentials’ from the dropdown that appears. Select ‘Create credentials,’ then select ‘OAuth client ID. ‘ Next, you’ll configure the consent screen that users see when they complete the authentication/authorization process.

How do I create a Lambda authorizer?

Click on Authorizers from the API menu, and click on Create New Authorizer, as shown in Figure 7. You can select the Lambda authorizer function we created in step one by using the Lambda function field. You can test this authorizer by clicking on Test.

How do I use my Cognito access token?

The user pool access token contains claims about the authenticated user, a list of the user’s groups, and a list of scopes.

What is AWS Cognito signin user admin?

cognito. signin. user. admin scope grants access to Amazon Cognito user pool API operations that require access tokens, such as UpdateUserAttributes and VerifyUserAttribute. The profile scope grants access to all user attributes that are readable by the client.

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What is Gateway API URL?

You can find a REST API’s root URL in the Stage Editor for the API in the API Gateway console. It’s listed as the Invoke URL at the top. If the API’s root resource exposes a GET method without requiring user authentication, you can call the method by clicking the Invoke URL link.

What are API authentication methods?

The Most Common API Authentication Methods

  • OAuth for Accessing User Data. Gone are the days of users sharing passwords with API developers.
  • API Keys and Other Tokens Must Be Secured. Microservices are now everywhere and so are API keys.
  • OpenID Connect Provides Identity Atop OAuth.

Which types of custom authorizer are supported by API gateway?

There are two types of custom authorizers: TOKEN and REQUEST . Token authorizers are the most straight-forward. You specify the name of a header, usually Authorization , that is used to authenticate your request. The value of this header is passed into your custom authorizer for your authorizer to validate.

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How do I secure API gateway with Lambda authorizer?

Go to the API Gateway created in step “1”. Go to “Authorizers” section and click “Create New Authorizer”. Enter a “Name”, select “Type” as “Lambda”, select the Lambda function that was created in step “2” as “Lamda Function”. For the field “Token Source” enter the name “jwt_token” as below.