
How do you use phrases in the event?

How do you use phrases in the event?

You use in the event of, in the event that, and in that event when you are talking about a possible future situation, especially when you are planning what to do if it occurs. The bank has agreed to give an immediate refund in the unlikely event of an error being made.

What part of speech is in the event of?

The phrases in case of and in the event of are both prepositions. The first one means if it should occur. The second means if or when something happens. A preposition is a word or phrase that shows a relationship between two elements in a clause.

What is the meaning of in the case of?

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Regarding, in the matter of, in that instance. For example, In the case of James, they decided to promote him to the next grade.

Which word best replaces the phrase in the event that?:?

“In the event that” and “under circumstances in which” can be replaced with if.”It is necessary that” and “cannot be avoided” can be replaced with must or should.

What is this in reference to meaning?

formal. : about or concerning (something or someone) : in relation to I am writing in reference to your recent letter.

What is event and examples?

An event is a planned and organized occasion, for example a social gathering or a sports match. major sporting events. our programme of lectures and social events.

How do you find events in a story?

The sequence of events is the order of events as they occur in a story. To find the sequence of events, you should think about what happens in the beginning, middle, and end of the story. Additionally, you should look for transition words to help understand the order of the events.

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How do you say in case formally?

We could say, “Here’s our address in case you have any problems”, expecting the person to get in touch only if he has problems. I agree with owlman5 that in the second sentence we can substitute “should” with “if”.

What is a word for a big number?

infinity. When it comes to large numbers, we’ve got lots to discuss. Speaking of infinity … in mathematics, infinity refers to “an indefinitely great amount or number” or “a number that is larger than all other numbers.” The word is derived from the late 14c.