
How do you write a TAT story?

How do you write a TAT story?

Simple ways to write best TAT stories for pictures shown in SSB interview

  1. Practice SSB TAT story writing as much as possible.
  2. While practicing, observe the picture and speak out loud the 7 observations you can gather.
  3. Always be cool.
  4. Utilise the full 30 seconds to observe and make a theme.

How do you write a story in Smash Bros screening?

Write a short and crisp story having about 100-120 words. If the picture shown has some negative sentiments, try writing some positive aspects of that picture, but do not unnecessarily make the positive story of a negative-themed picture. Avoid overwriting or cutting while writing your story.

How can I get tat ideas?

Ideas for Thematic Apperception Test Based on Picture

  1. Scene of Factory or Workshop.
  2. Scene of Office Meeting/ Phone Calls.
  3. Scene of Fight/Running/Knife in hand/ Pistol in hand/Catching the Throat.
  4. Scene of Defence Forces /Army Soldiers.
  5. Scene of Vehicle Car/ Bike.
  6. Group of Girls/women.
  7. Scene of Boat/River/lake.
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How can I improve my tat story?

Prepare the outline of the story using three questions, what led to the situation, what is the present condition and how to overcome the problem. Do it sequentially and logically and keep the story compact. Write the story in past tense (always). Give an optimistic, encouraging and reasonable story.

How do you write tat stories Quora?

One should keep the following things in ones mind:

  1. Accept the situation as it is.
  2. Get to what led to the situation as soon as possible.
  3. Simply mentioning or writing the OLQs in a story is exaggeration.
  4. Problem solving part should be realistic.
  5. Mood of the candidate dealing with such situations is never positive.

What is a TAT story?

The TAT involves showing people a series of picture cards depicting a variety of ambiguous characters (that may include men, women, and/or children), scenes, and situations. They are then asked to tell as dramatic a story as they can for each picture presented, including: the thoughts and feelings of characters.

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How does the TAT work?

How can I write Wat sentence?

How to improve WAT:

  1. Make sentences as short as possible. Ideally using 4 – 5 words.
  2. Make sentences based on incidents of real life.
  3. Practice WAT with the help of a timer.
  4. For negative words try to find the reason or effect of that thing and make a sentence with that.

What type of test is TAT?

The TAT is a widely used projective test for the assessment of children and adults. It is designed to reveal an individual’s perception of interpersonal relationships. Thirty-one picture cards serve as stimuli for stories and descriptions about relationships or social situations.