
How do you write numbers in reverse order?

How do you write numbers in reverse order?

Write a program in C to display the number in reverse order.

  1. Pictorial Presentation:
  2. Sample Solution:
  3. C Code: #include void main(){ int num,r,sum=0,t; printf(“Input a number: “); scanf(“\%d”,#); for(t=num;num!=0;num=num/10){ r=num \% 10; sum=sum*10+r; } printf(“The number in reverse order is : \%d \n”,sum); }

How do you reverse a number in Python?

Reverse Number In Python

  1. # Python Program to Reverse a Number using While loop.
  2. Number = int(input(“Please Enter any Number: “))
  3. Reverse = 0.
  4. while(Number > 0):
  5. Reminder = Number .
  6. Reverse = (Reverse *10) + Reminder.
  7. Number = Number //10.
  8. print(“\n Reverse of entered number is = \%d” \%Reverse)

How do you reverse a number in math?

How to reverse a number mathematically.

  1. Step 1 — Isolate the last digit in number. lastDigit = number \% 10.
  2. Step 2 — Append lastDigit to reverse. reverse = (reverse * 10) + lastDigit.
  3. Step 3-Remove last digit from number. number = number / 10.
  4. Iterate this process. while (number > 0)
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How do you print in reverse order?

Print Fibonacci Series in reverse order

  1. Declare an array of size n.
  2. Initialize a[0] and a[1] to 0 and 1 respectively.
  3. Run a loop from 2 to n-1 and store. sum of a[i-2] and a[i-1] in a[i].
  4. Print the array in the reverse order.

What is reverse order in maths?

When more than one operation acts on a variable in an algebraic equation, apply the reverse of the order of operations to reverse the operations. Here is the order in which you should reverse operations: Reverse addition and subtraction (by subtracting and adding) outside parentheses.

How do you reverse a number backwards in Python?

Let’s understand the following example.

  1. num = int(input(“Enter the number: “))
  2. revr_num = 0 # initial value is 0. It will hold the reversed number.
  3. def recur_reverse(num):
  4. global revr_num # We can use it out of the function.
  5. if (num > 0):
  6. Reminder = num \% 10.
  7. revr_num = (revr_num * 10) + Reminder.
  8. recur_reverse(num // 10)
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What is reverse operation in math?

The word ‘inverse’ means reverse in direction or position. In mathematics, an inverse operation is an operation that undoes what was done by the previous operation. The four main mathematical operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. The inverse of addition is subtraction and vice versa.

How do you print even numbers in reverse order?

var num = prompt(“Enter an integer : “); var reversenum = num. reverse(”); document. write(reversenum);