
How does AI help in sustainability?

How does AI help in sustainability?

AI has the potential to accelerate global efforts to protect the environment and conserve resources by detecting energy emission reductions, CO2 removal, helping develop greener transportation networks, monitoring deforestation, and predicting extreme weather conditions.

How AI can enable a sustainable future?

In parallel the application of AI levers could reduce worldwide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 4\% in 2030, an amount equivalent to 2.4 Gt CO2e – equivalent to the 2030 annual emissions of Australia, Canada and Japan combined.

How can AI help in sustainable cities and communities?

AI in Smart Cities Such technologies help cities to utilise existing assets more effectively, allocate resources more efficiently and improve how data and information are managed and shared across systems.

How AI can be used to achieve SDGs explain in context of any one SDG?

Although AI-enabled technology can act as a catalyst to achieve the 2030 Agenda, it may also trigger inequalities that may act as inhibitors on SDGs 1, 4, and 5. This duality is reflected in target 1.1, as AI can help to identify areas of poverty and foster international action using satellite images5.

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In what ways AI can make the world move towards tolerant environment?

8 ways AI can help save the planet

  • Autonomous and connected electric vehicles.
  • Distributed energy grids.
  • Smart agriculture and food systems.
  • Next generation weather and climate prediction.
  • Smart disaster response.
  • AI-designed intelligent, connected and livable cities.
  • A transparent digital Earth.

How is AI helping to achieve SDGs explain with the help of any one example?

For instance, in SDG 1 on no poverty, SDG 4 on quality education, SDG 6 on clean water and sanitation, SDG 7 on affordable and clean energy, and SDG 11 on sustainable cities, AI may act as an enabler for all the targets by supporting the provision of food, health, water, and energy services to the population.