
How does selenium WebDriver write results in excel?

How does selenium WebDriver write results in excel?

Update Your Selenium Test Results into Excel Using TestNG

  1. 1- Create a Selenium Webdriver TestNG project in Eclipse.
  2. 2- Define multiple @Test methods.
  3. 3- Write a function to save Selenium WebDriver TestNG report to Excel file.
  4. 4- Consolidate the full source code.
  5. 5- Generate TestNG.

How do you automate excel reports in selenium?

Follow the steps specified for creating customized excel reports using TestNG :

  1. Step 1 : Create a Package ‘ExcelResults’ under your Project.
  2. Step 2 :Create the testcases for automation testing using TestNg. (
  3. Step3 : Create a testng.
  4. Step 4 : Now Create a Class ‘ExcelGenerate’ and paste the following code:

How do I write data into an existing excel sheet using selenium WebDriver?

How to Write Data into Excel Sheet using Selenium Webdriver

  1. Step 1: Specify the file path where you wish the Excel Sheet to show.
  2. Step 2: Time to create a Workbook now.
  3. Step 3: Time to create a sheet.
  4. Step 4: Type the following to enter a String value in the first row and first column (A1) of your excel sheet:
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How does Selenium WebDriver read data from multiple Excel sheets?

Create an object of the File class by passing the complete file path of the excel file you wish to open – File file = new File(filePath+”\\”+fileName); Next step is to create a FileInputStream object to obtain input bytes of the excel file – FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);

How does Selenium WebDriver read and write data from excel?

How to Read and Write an Excel File using Selenium WebDriver

  1. POIFS (Poor Obfuscation Implementation File System)
  2. HSSF (Horrible Spreadsheet Format)
  3. XSSF (XML Spreadsheet Format)
  4. HPSF (Horrible Property Set Format)
  5. HWPF (Horrible Word Processor Format)
  6. XWPF (XML Word Processor Format)
  7. HSLF (Horrible Slide Layout Format)

How does Selenium WebDriver read data from multiple excel sheets?