
How does the Vietnam memorial make you feel?

How does the Vietnam memorial make you feel?

By including the names of all those who were killed or missing in action, the memorial conveys just how overwhelming the casualties were during this war. Visitors can see a reflection of themselves in the names on the black granite walls, connecting the living to those lost.

What is one significance of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall?

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial stands as a symbol of America’s honor and recognition of the men and women who served and sacrificed their lives in the Vietnam War. Inscribed on the black granite walls are the names of more than 58,000 men and women who gave their lives or remain missing.

How were veterans of the Vietnam War treated upon their return home?

Rather than being greeted with anger and hostility, however, most Vietnam veterans received very little reaction when they returned home. They mainly noticed that people seemed uncomfortable around them and did not appear interested in hearing about their wartime experiences.

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What happens to things left at the Vietnam Memorial Wall?

Items left at the Memorial are deemed to be the property of the National Park Service when voluntarily abandoned. Park staff may choose to save items for the museum collection or respectfully dispose of them.

Why was the Vietnam Veterans Memorial so controversial?

Opposition to design and compromise The selected design was very controversial, in particular, its unconventional design, its black color and its lack of ornamentation. Some public officials voiced their displeasure, calling the wall “a black gash of shame.”

How did the experience of the veterans of the Vietnam war different from veterans of World War II?

By their nature military conflicts produce veterans, but all veterans do not have the same experiences when they come home; World War II veterans generally prospered after 1945, while Vietnam Veterans have often been viewed as being ‘damaged goods’. By contrast, Vietnam veterans have long been viewed as damaged goods.

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What were some of Maya Lin’s ideas for this memorial?

According to Lin, her intention was to create an opening or a wound in the earth to symbolize the pain caused by the war and its many casualties. “I imagined taking a knife and cutting into the earth, opening it up, and with the passage of time, that initial violence and pain would heal,” she recalled.

Why do you believe people leave mementos at the Vietnam memorial Wall?

Leaving mementos at the Wall has been a tradition since the polished stone memorial bearing the names of the 58,000 Vietnam War dead was dedicated in 1982.