
How does thermal protection in a motor work?

How does thermal protection in a motor work?

Thermal protection is a method of fan motor protection that is activated when a motor operating at the rated voltage locks up for some reason with the power still being supplied. It uses a thermal relay inside the motor to break the circuit to the winding coil at a temperature below the level that would cause burning.

How are temperature sensors used in motors to prevent overheating?

Sirius 3RN2 thermistor motor protection relays reliably protect motors against overheating by measuring the temperatures at points at risk of overheating within the motor. PTC (positive temperature coefficient) temperature sensors are integrated into the motor windings to monitor critical overheating.

What is the purpose of a thermistor used in an electrical installation?

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Thermistors are thermally sensitive resistors whose prime function is to exhibit a large, predictable and precise change in electrical resistance when subjected to a corresponding change in body temperature.

How does a thermistor work?

A thermistor is a resistance thermometer, or a resistor whose resistance is dependent on temperature. When temperature increases, the resistance increases, and when temperature decreases, resistance decreases. This type of thermistor is generally used as a fuse.

How do you test a motor thermistor?

Heat the soldering iron. Heat the thermistor by moving your heated soldering iron tip to it. Note the multimeter reading as you are applying this heat. A properly functioning positive temperature coefficient thermistor will show a smooth and steady increase in the multimeter resistance reading.

How do you stop an electric motor from overheating?

Keep it away from other sources of heat, give it plenty of space, and make sure that the ventilation holes are clear. When you start using your electric motor, remember to consistently monitor its temperature and performance for signs of overheating or deterioration.

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What is a motor thermistor?

Thermistor is a small non-linear resistance sensors, which can be embedded within the insulation of a motor winding, to provide a close thermal association with the winding. It’s made from a metal oxide or semiconductor material.

What is the function of a thermistor?