
How exams are conducted in Du Sol?

How exams are conducted in Du Sol?

DU SOL Examination through OBE mode After getting order from Hon’ble High court now Delhi University will be going to conduct the SOL for only final semester/term/year students and it will conduct via OBE (Open Book Examination) mode remotely. the university has also released its final date sheet to conduct the OBE.

What is Abe mode?

Assignment Based Examination (ABE) is one of the modes of assessing students’ marks. Students are marked on the basis of their performance in internal subject-based assignments, instead of asking them to appear for the exam.

Is DU SOL exam will be online?

The examinations, to be held in the OBE format (online mode) will also be held for essential repeaters of I, III, and V semester, and ex-students of all undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.

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How can I check my du Sol date sheet?

Steps to Check SOL Date Sheet online

  1. Visit the official website of School of Open Learning (SOL) –
  2. SOL Official page will open.
  3. Scroll down the page and check the Announcement section.
  4. Click on the link available.
  5. UG Date Sheet or PG Date Sheet page will open.
  6. Click on the pdf link.
  7. Date Sheet will display.

What is open book exam?

An “open book examination” is an assessment method designed in a way that allows students to refer to class notes, textbooks, or other approved material while answering questions. An open book exam can also mean that students are provided with the exam questions prior to writing the exam.

What is Abe in Sol?

Ans The I and II semester UG Courses students of SOL have to give Assignment Based Evaluation (ABE).

Is Du conducting offline exams?

Delhi University has released guidelines stating that students who have opted for offline exams can attempt open book exams at home. Delhi University has released guidelines for open-book examinations that will be conducted from home. The exams will start on November 30 onwards.