
How hard is it to get into Ohio State as a transfer?

How hard is it to get into Ohio State as a transfer?

In 2019, Ohio State University-Main Campus received 4686 transfer applicants. The school accepted 3948 students. Therefore, the transfer acceptance rate for Ohio State University-Main Campus is 84.25\%. This indicates how hard it is to transfer into Ohio State University-Main Campus.

Is OSU transfer friendly?

OSU will transfer coursework completed as Pass credit. Spring 2020 term transfer courses completed as Pass credit can be used to complete major-specific requirements for graduation. Writing and Math courses needed to qualify for transfer admissions may also be considered with a Pass grade.

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How much does it cost to transfer to Ohio State?

Tuition and Fees: Estimated Tuition (includes instructional and general fees): Nonresident $33,502; Ohio Resident $11,518 Columbus Campus; $8,237 Regional Campuses; $8,197 ATI. Room and board: $13,026 Columbus Campus; Varies at Regional Campuses and ATI.

How many credit hours do you need to transfer to Ohio State?

Transfer students with at least 30 transferable semester hours (or the equivalent), including credit for at least one calculus course, and a GPA of 3.0 or higher (on a 4.0 scale) enroll as pre-majors.

Does Ohio State accept transfers?

Transfer applicants are students who have earned college- or university-level credits after high school graduation. Nearly a third of the undergraduates who received a bachelor’s degree from Ohio State last year were transfer students. We’re here for you!

What GPA do I need to transfer to OSU?

Transfer admission requirements

Credit Hours Attempted* Admission Requirements
7-23 credit hours Admission Requirements Freshman admission requirements and 2.25 GPA
24-59 credit hours Admission Requirements 2.25 GPA
More than 60 hours or associate degree Admission Requirements 2.0 GPA
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Is Ohio State university Expensive?

– The Ohio State University….Freshmen.

Billed expenses Ohio resident Nonresident
Tuition (includes instructional and general fees) Columbus: $11,936 Regional campus: $8,550 CFAES Wooster (ATI): $8,508 $35,019*
Room and board Columbus: $13,352** Regional campus: Varies^ CFAES Wooster (ATI): Varies^ $13,352**

How much does it cost to go to Ohio university for 4 years?

Estimated 4 Year Cost at Published Tuition At the current published rates, an estimated total tuition, fees and living expense price for a 4 year bachelor’s degree at Ohio University is $119,920 for students graduating in normal time.